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Designing Telehealth for an Aging Population
Designing Telehealth for an Aging Population
As simple and straightforward as two health professionals conferring over the telephone or as complex and sophisticated as robotic surgery between facilities at different ends of the globe, telehealth is an increasingly frequent component in healthcare. A primer on the human factors issues that can influence how older adults interact with telehealt
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Designing Telehealth for an Aging Population
Designing Telehealth for an Aging Population
As simple and straightforward as two health professionals conferring over the telephone or as complex and sophisticated as robotic surgery between facilities at different ends of the globe, telehealth is an increasingly frequent component in healthcare. A primer on the human factors issues that can influence how older adults interact with telehealt
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Disability in Adolescence
Disability in Adolescence
For all the work on disability in previous years, there had been surprisingly little done on a subject of central importance – the social and psychological needs of teenagers with disabilities. Originally published in 1982, the purpose of this timely book was both to review the literature and to report an extensive study of the nature of the psychological problems, the quality of social life and the adequacy of the services available to a substantial group of teenagers with disabilities in the last years at school, with a follow-up study of half their number a year later. The authors show that many of these teenagers, including those with a mild disability, are often unhappy, worried and isolated from their peers. While the majority of the teenagers with disabilities, whether in ordinary or special schools, made friends at school, these friendships were rarely sustained outside. After leaving school the degree of social isolation is as great, and often worse. Among these teenagers the incidence of psychological problems was three to four times higher than for a control group, the most common being worry, depression, misery, fearfulness and lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. For the most part, the teenagers with disabilities were likely to be immature and ill-prepared to cope with adult life. These findings underline the need for a counselling service while the teenagers are still at school, and supporting services when they have left. Like other teenagers, those in this study were unprepared for the possibility of not having a job, and had not thought how to organize their lives if a job was not available or feasible. The authors draw attention to the large proportion of people with disabilities without occupation after leaving school, and the high dissatisfaction with day centres. Perhaps their most important finding is the need to rationalize the piecemeal and overlapping provision of help for school-leavers with disabilities. In the meantime, their book provides a wealth of information of direct use to those concerned with teenagers with disabilities and their families, whether in school provision, careers advice, work placement and alternatives to work, social services, counselling, medical services and further education. This book is a re-issue originally published in 1982. The language used is a reflection of its era and no offence is meant by the Publishers to any reader by this re-publication.
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Assessing and Teaching Reading Comprehension and Pre-writing K-3
Assessing and Teaching Reading Comprehension and Pre-writing K-3
First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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Designing Technology Training for Older Adults in Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Designing Technology Training for Older Adults in Continuing Care Retirement Communities
This book provides the latest research and design-based recommendations for how to design and implement a technology training program for older adults in Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs). The approach in the book concentrates on providing useful best practices for CCRC owners, CEOs, activity directors, as well as practitioners and system designers working with older adults to enhance their quality of life. Educators studying older adults will also find this book useful Although the guidelines are couched in the context of CCRCs, the book will have broader-based implications for training older adults on how to use computers, tablets, and other technologies.
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Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Pre-Writing, K-3, Vol. 1
Assessing and Teaching Reading Composition and Pre-Writing, K-3, Vol. 1
The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics, analytic rubrics, and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students.
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Daily Discoveries for JULY
Daily Discoveries for JULY
Provides language arts, social studies, writing, math, science, health, music, drama, physical fitness, and art activities for use in kindergarten through sixth grade classes which celebrate the month of July. Includes lists of books and bulletin board ideas.
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Assessing and Teaching Reading Comprehension and Pre-writing, 3-5
Assessing and Teaching Reading Comprehension and Pre-writing, 3-5
The performance tasks in this book are linked directly to instructional strategies and include holistic rubrics, analytic rubrics, and assessment lists. They can be photocopied and distributed to your students. Included in this series are 98 performance tasks, 196 assessment lists, 18 holistic rubrics, 30 analytic rubrics, 88 graphic organizers -- all of which support the development of reading comprehension as defined by the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) and is in line with the objectives of the No Child Left Behind legislation. Over 100 childrens books are referenced including those leveled by the Fountas and Pinnell System.
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Understanding Telehealth
Understanding Telehealth
The first complete guide to the rapidly expanding field of telehealth From email to videoconferencing, telehealth puts real-time healthcare solutions at patients’ and clinicians’ fingertips. Every year, the field continues to evolve, enhancing access to healthcare, supporting clinicians, and improving the patient experience. However, since telehealth is in its infancy, no text has offered a comprehensive, definitive survey of this up-and-coming field—until now. Written by past presidents of the American Telemedicine Association, Understanding Telehealth explains how clinical applications leveraging telehealth technology are optimizing healthcare delivery. In addition, this timely resource examines the bedrock principles of telehealth and highlights the safety standards involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients through digital communications. Logically organized and supported by high-yield clinical vignettes, the book begins with essential background information, including a look at telehealth history, definitions and roles, and rural health. It then provides an overview of clinical services for adults, from telestroke to telepsychiatry. The third section addresses pediatric clinical services, encompassing pediatric emergency and critical care, telecardiology, and more. A groundbreaking resource: •Chapters cover a broad spectrum of technologies, evidence-based guidelines, and application of telehealth across the healthcare continuum •Ideal for medical staff, public healthcare executives, hospitals, clinics, payors, healthcare advocates, and researchers alike •Incisive coverage of the legal and regulatory environment underpinning telehealth practice
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Conceptual Foundations E-Book
Conceptual Foundations E-Book
- NEW! Two all-new chapters bring you the latest information on end of life/palliative care and resilience and compassionate care. - NEW! Emphasis on professional role development includes focus within the Interdisciplinary team. - NEW! Updated information about the Affordable Care Act includes coverage of the current legal and policy environment. - NEW! Extensive revision of Pathways of Nursing Education chapter reflects current focus on Academic Progression
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