Follow this chronicle of a profound spiritual friendship between these two humanitarian doctors as they strive to help those most in need. Ashis and Liz met in person in Chad in 2006, which sparked a correspondence that explores a wide range of topics, including their quest to live to the utmost with love and compassion for humankind. Ashis Brahma is a tropical medicine physician who has worked with Doctors Without Borders and the International Rescue Committee serving refugees. At one point, he was the only physician serving 26,000 Darfur refugees in Chad. He is currently an international speaker, raising awareness regarding the mission of the Phoenix Global Humanitarian Foundation. The PGHF mission is to serve those who suffer disasters, losses, and tragedies. Elizabeth A. Garcia-Gray is a child and adult psychiatrist who is currently the chief medical officer of Child Psychiatric Services at one of the largest comprehensive mental health services in the U.S. She has gone on intensive short-term volunteer missions during the aftermath of natural disasters, such as the Thailand tsunami, the volcanic eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines, and Hurricane Katrina. She is the founder and chairman of the PGHF.