Get Money Instructor Guide
This manual may be used by any instructor or trainer seeking to train students in the various areas of personal and business development to offer the knowledge to create a business and become an entrepreneur. These skill sets will equip youth with the knowledge of owning ones' own business successfully by operating an in school store/business. Each section will cover a specific topic needed to run a business, be professional, and teach lessons that will transfer into any venture that the youth may take. In short this guide will teach students and youth how to operate a small business by utilizing social skills, develop professional techniques and practices and gain financial literacy knowledge. The instructor's manual will carry the instructor/trainer step by step through the execution of this course. The format is user friendly and can be customized. Whenever the word "Instructor" appears, it is an indication that there are instruction or explanation that needs to be provided to the participants. "Exercise:" denotes that the participants should be given an exercise to complete. Every exercise is written for ultimate comprehension of the lesson at hand. The student's manual carries the exercises, pre and posttest, supportive forms and activities within the guide book and will need no other materials for the course in order to gain the intended knowledge. The course is set up in ten four hour blocks to be delivered over a ten week period. Time suggestions are given for each lecture and each exercise and should be used for a guide only.