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Abba's Abba Gold
Abba's Abba Gold
33 1/3 is a new series of short books about critically acclaimed and much-loved albums of the last 40 years. Focusing on one album rather than an artist's entire output, the books dispense with the standard biographical background that fans know already, and cut to the heart of the music on each album. The authors provide fresh, original perspectives - often through their access to and relationships with the key figures involved in the recording of these albums. By turns obsessive, passionate, creative, and informed, the books in this series demonstrate many different ways of writing about music. (A task which can be, as Elvis Costello famously observed, as tricky as dancing about architecture.) What binds this series together, and what brings it to life, is that all of the authors - musicians, scholars, and writers - are deeply in love with the album they have chosen.
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China's New Consumers
China's New Consumers
Combining economic trends with the author’s anthropological background, China’s New Consumers details the livelihoods and lifestyles of China's new and evolving social categories.
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Of Women and the Essay
Of Women and the Essay
Of Women and the Essay brings together forty-six American and British women essayists whose work spans nearly four centuries. The contributions of these essayists prove that women have been significant participants in the essay tradition since the genre’s modern beginnings in the sixteenth century. Many of these essayists, such as Eliza Haywood, Fanny Fern, Gertrude Bustill Mossell, Agnes Repplier, and Alice Meynell, achieved significant success as writers within whatever essay form ruled the day; others bent the rules, though often imperceptibly, to make room for themselves. Collectively they represent a missing piece in the larger history of the essay. In Of Women and the Essay Jenny Spinner contextualizes the broad range of literary essays included within the chronological development of the genre. She makes a compelling argument that women have constructed their own tradition in the essay genre, often utilizing periodic traits of the essay to their own advantage. At the same time, she suggests that the personal essay’s demands on the essayist required both a public and personal authorization that proved challenging for women essayists in general and for women of color in particular. The appendix catalogs the works of nearly 200 female essayists and should inspire further reading. As a whole, the volume lifts women writers from the cutting-room floor of essay scholarship and returns them to their rightful place in the essay canon.
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Female Tommies
Female Tommies
The First World War saw one of the biggest ever changes in the demographics of warfare, as thousands of women donned uniforms and took an active part in conflict for the first time in history. Female Tommies looks at the military role of women worldwide during the Great War and reveals the extraordinary women who served on the frontline. Through their diaries, letters and memoirs, meet the women who defied convention and followed their convictions to defend the less fortunate and fight for their country. Follow British Flora Sandes as she joins the Serbian Army and takes up a place in the rearguard of the Iron Regiment as they retreat from the Bulgarian advance. Stow away with Dorothy Lawrence as she smuggles herself to Paris, steals a uniform and heads to the front. Enlist in Russia's all-female 'Battalion of Death' alongside peasant women and princesses alike. The personal accounts of these women, who were members of organisations such as the US Army Signal Corps, the Canadian Army Medical Corps, the FANY, WRAF, WRNS, WAAC and many others, provide a valuable insight into what life was like for women in a male-dominated environment.
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No More Push Parenting
No More Push Parenting
CAN PARENTS AVOID THE OVERACHIEVEMENT TRAP AND STILL RAISE SUCCESSFUL CHILDREN? In America's hypercompetitive culture, children are being suffocated by our quest to make them the best. As competitive parenting has been on the rise since the 1980s, so have rates of teen suicide, eating disorders, depression, and drug use. Yet the cycle of "push parenting" doesn’t show signs of slowing down. Our children today are competing with classmates who began listening to Mozart in utero and were enrolled in educational classes at the ages of two and three. Under these circumstances, parents feel that they cannot afford to opt out. No More Push Parenting offers solutions for parents caught up by the need to push their children to the top, those parents who don't want to push but worry that their children may not measure up. With her fifteen-plus years of clinical experience, Dr. Elisabeth Guthrie provides targeted, prescriptive alternatives to the problem of push parenting, supported by the illustrative case studies of real children who are and aren't succeeding--and why. She explores the ways in which children are hindered emotionally and intellectually by the pressure to succeed that they often feel from parents on a daily basis. Helping parents discover the fine line between good parenting and pressure parenting, Dr. Guthrie provides them with the permission to do less pushing without sacrificing their ideals for their children, and offers techniques that they can use to deflect the pressure to push while still providing healthy encouragement. With tips for enhancing the development of every child's unique set of talents, the book is a vital reality check for anyone concerned about what's really best for kids.
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How to Write the Best Research Paper Ever!
How to Write the Best Research Paper Ever!
Be the person in your class to write the paper that achieves the A! Follow this easy and interesting process to authentically document your work. This reader-friendly text and step-by-step process will help you set and achieve short and long-term goals as you learn how to pick a topic and narrow it, use library resources and search engines, take notes, and summarize, paraphrase and directly quote without plagiarizing. Learn a new way to read: be a spider! Create a challenging and defendable thesis, craft an intriguing introduction, control opposing viewpoints, outline your evidence, and draft, peer and self-evaluate and publish a superb product. Read a helpful essay on avoiding fallacies of logic while laughing yourself silly. Further develop your own writing style within the accepted writing conventions, and learn how to analyze and apply appropriate tone. Rules for the most common citations are given (MLA 7th Edition) with examples, including internet sources. Resources are included for word use, listing 200 ways to say says, and transitional words, organized by their function, to move smoothly from one idea to the next. A sample paper, sample outlines, and sample Works Cited pages are included! “Mrs. Blandford has carefully and creatively provided a book that is a guaranteed recipe for success in writing research papers. Not only did I do extremely well on my first research paper by using this book, but now, whenever I have a writing assignment, I refer to this book as a guide. It teaches the skills needed to construct and accomplish a successful research paper, and provides knowledge that can be used to process massive amounts of information in our knowledge-driven world. It truly is a valuable asset in my life I would recommend this well-crafted book to anyone who wants to succeed in writing a research paper and writing overall Jeanette Morelan, Prairie School, Racine, Wisconsin
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The Female Body
The Female Body
Presents clearly explained, authoritative information for women on how to prevent disease and what steps to take to heal themselves, including tips and advice about fertility, pregnancy, menopause, nutrition, weight loss, and body toning.
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I fantasmi dell'inverno
I fantasmi dell'inverno
"Inverno: la stagione delle notti più fredde, delle tenebre che avviluppano la Terra, della luce che muore. La stagione dei fantasmi: quando i crepuscoli si tingono di nero, infatti, è bello raccontare e raccontarsi gli incubi che abitano i recessi della nostra mente, immaginarli camminare di fianco a noi. Così, prima ancora che Charles Dickens componesse il suo Canto di Natale, la letteratura – in particolare quella anglosassone – ha trovato le sue parole più belle per dare vita al lato in ombra della realtà, ed è tradizione in quei luoghi raccogliersi insieme per leggere inquietanti storie gotiche. Nei dodici racconti di questa raccolta, spiriti e fantasmi si danno appuntamento in gran parata per riempire di presenze le lunghe ore invernali. Dal fango della Londra dickensiana alle scogliere della Cornovaglia, estremo limite del mondo, dalla Edimburgo del Settecento sotto un gelido manto bianco a una enorme villa adagiata su un isolotto in mezzo a un lago italiano, gli esseri soprannaturali che incontriamo in queste storie ci accompagnano in una trasvolata che tocca le più varie epoche e Paesi e ci rivelano con eleganza che il posto piú buio di tutti, in fondo, è il cuore degli uomini. Dalle penne di maestri del gotico – fra gli altri, Stuart Turton, Kiran Millwood Hargrave, Laura Shepherd-Robinson e Susan Stokes-Chapman – I fantasmi dell’inverno è una raccolta di dodici storie di ombre, possessioni demoniache e sogni ricorrenti; una incredibile collezione di fantasmi, spiriti, apparizioni e spettri da leggere con il fiato sospeso... e con la luce accesa. «L’orologio a pendolo batté la mezzanotte. I rintocchi scossero la casa uno dopo l’altro come altrettanti colpi inferti da un dio irato. Indietreggiai barcollando nel vedere le finestre che tremavano e l’intonaco che si staccava dal soffitto. Il lampadario ondeggiò pericolosamente, i soprammobili andarono in frantumi e i quadri si staccarono dalle pareti». Stuart Turton, Il Signore della Casa «Ne I fantasmi dell’inverno ogni storia è un gioiello». Laura Shepperson "
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Feminismos y pedagogías en la vida cotidiana
Feminismos y pedagogías en la vida cotidiana
Existe un importante consenso respecto a que las feminidades, masculinidades y otras subjetividades sociales se constituyen como fruto de diversas experiencias cotidianas. No hemos aprendido ni recibido enseñanzas sólo de nuestras familias y de la escuela, sino también del cine, las novelas y revistas, la música de moda, nuestra pandilla, los juegos y juguetes, las leyes y normas vigentes en la comunidad, etc. Estas prácticas de la vida diaria rara vez se han denominado pedagogías, pero tienen la forma y el propósito de los quehaceres asociados con la escolarización. Este volumen presenta aportaciones de personalidades de reconocido prestigio en el campo de la filosofía, los estudios culturales y literarios, la sociología, educación, psicología social, comunicación y política: Carmen LUKE, Sandra Lee BARTKY, Anna BENNETT, Susan BORDO, Kerry CARRINGTON, Rey CHOW, Patricia DUDGEON, Zillah EISENSTEIN, Glenis GROGAN, Anneliese KRAMER---DAHL, David MORGAN, Darlene OXENHAM, Ann PHOENIX, Elisabeth PORTER, Terry THREADGOLD, Susan WILLIS y Anne WOOLLETT. Sus trabajos engloban análisis de: medios de comunicación de masas; productos de la cultura popular; representaciones de las mujeres y de los cuerpos y los deseos de las adolescentes ; los modelos de género e identidad cultural en los textos legales actuales, discursos y testimonios; las ideas sobre la maternidad, paternidad e infancia; las pedagogías de ayuda que las mujeres ponen en acción en las instituciones, en sus relaciones sociales y de amistad; la privatización de los espacios públicos y la mercantilización de los juegos y juguetes infantiles; las identidades políticas y culturales de género en las escuelas, institutos y universidades. Este libro complementa y va más allá de los actuales focos de atención de las pedagogías feminista y crítica, centrados principalmente en las instituciones escolares. Las fuentes y perspectivas aquí utilizadas apuestan por la interdisciplinariedad y recurren, además, a comparaciones entre distintos países y culturas.
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