Operative Techniques: Spine Surgery - E-Book
Spine Surgery, 2nd Edition delivers step-by-step, multimedia guidance to help you master the must-know techniques in this field. Part of the popular and practical Operative Techniques series, this orthopaedics reference focuses on individual procedures, each presented in a highly visual, easy-to-follow format for quick reference. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader with intuitive search tools and adjustable font sizes. Elsevier eBooks provide instant portable access to your entire library, no matter what device you're using or where you're located. Access the entire text, fully searchable, online at www.expertconsult.com. Concentrate on precisely the information you need with brief, highly illustrated coverage of each surgical technique, complemented with just the right amount of relevant science. Find the answers you need quickly and easily with a strictly templated format for consistent and rapid visual reference. View 12 surgical videos at www.expertconsult.com demonstrating how to perform state-of-the-art procedures such as C1-C2 Posterior Cervical Fixation, Minimally Invasive Deformity Correction and Fusion, and Lumbar Disc Arthroplasty. Learn today's hottest techniques with new chapters on C2 translaminar fixation, vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty, internal laminectomy, and interbody fusion. See exactly what to do using step-by-step intraoperative photos demonstrating each technique, and radiographs showing presenting problems and post-surgical outcomes. Achieve optimal results using minimally invasive surgery whenever possible. Contain costs by using new implants related to pedicle screws and interbody devices, as well as new biologics such as BMP (bone morphogenetic protein). Benefit from the latest evidence-based information from randomized trials and retrospective studies.