Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, MyPlate Update
Why not have it ALL for your Introductory Nutrition course? With Sizer/Whitney's NUTRITION: CONCEPTS AND CONTROVERSIES, MYPLATE UPDATE, 12e you can! A trusted author team with unparalleled research and excellent writing A modern textbook thoroughly updated with 2010 Dietary Guidelines, MyPlate, and Healthy People 2020. A superior program integrated with market-leading Diet Analysis software to meet all teaching and learning objectives. Updated with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines, MyPlate, and Healthy People 2020, NUTRITON: CONCEPTS AND CONTROVERSIES, MYPLATE UPDATE, continues to focus on core nutrition principles and their personal applications while offering outstanding coverage of the biological foundations of nutrition without assuming previous knowledge. The authors' lively, approachable writing style gives students just the right amount of detail--striking the perfect balance between scientific research, core concepts, and applications that provide a meaningful context for students. Drawing readers into the study of nutrition, the text dispels students' existing misconceptions, and empowers them to make better nutrition choices and enact real, lasting behavior change. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.