Are We of Israel?
They determined to go to a country "where never man dwelt," that they might be free from all contaminating influences. That country could only be found in the north. Southern Asia was already the seat of a comparatively ancient civilization. Egypt flourished in Northern Africa and Southern Europe was rapidly filling with the future rulers of the world. They had, therefore, no choice but to turn their faces northward. The first portion of their journey was not however north; according to the account of Esdras, they appear to have at first moved in the direction of their old homes, and it is possible that they originally started with the intention of returning thereto, or probably in order to deceive the Assyrians they started as if to return to Canaan, and when they had crossed the Euphrates, and were out of danger from the hosts of the Medes and Persians, then they turned their journeying feet toward the polar star. Esdras states that they entered in at the narrow passage of the river Euphrates, the Lord staying the "springs of the flood until they were passed over." The point on the River Euphrates at which they crossed would necessarily be in its upper portion, as lower down would be too far south for their purpose. The upper course of the Euphrates lies among lofty mountains and near the village of Pastash, it plunges through a gorge formed by precipices more than a thousand feet in height and so narrow that it is bridged at the top; it shortly afterwards enters the plains of Mesopotamia. How accurately this portion of the river answers the description of Esdras of the "narrows," where the Israelites crossed. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Introductory--The promises of God to Abraham and his Posterity--The seed of Joseph in America--The Journey of the Ten Tribes Northward--Ephraim mixed with all Nations--Testimony of Prest. Brigham Young. CHAPTER II. Israel a Maritime Nation--Tyre and Sidon--The Lacedemonians claim relationship with Israel--The Ionians, Etrurians, Danes, Jutes, etc.--The various captivities of Israel and Judah--Media. CHAPTER III. The Land of the North--Jeremiah, Ether and Esdras' Testimonies--The Course of the Israelites Northward--The Jordan, the Don, the Danube, etc.--The Land of Maesia and Dacia-The Getae Zalmoxes. CHAPTER IV. Israel's Journey Northward--Esdras and Modern Revelation Compared-The Testimony of Jesus to the Nephites--Ephraim to be gathered from all Countries--The Coasts of the Earth--The Ancestors of the Latter-day Saints. CHAPTER V. The Origin of the Anglo-Saxons--Derivation of the Word Saxon--The Goths and Vandals--Overthrow of the Roman Empire--The Mythology of the Ancient Scandinavians--Baldur--Their early Literature. CHAPTER VI. The Numerous Identifications Considered--Religion and Laws of the Ancient Northern Races--Free Masonry--Language CHAPTER VII. Salvation a Gift to all--God's Covenant with Abraham--Proselytes--The Dispersion--Conclusion.