Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches, 1999
Readers of the Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches have come to trust it as the best single source of information about the status of religion in North America. Updated and confirmed annually, this accurate and comprehensive resource provides quick-reference access to names, addresses, telephone numbers, and fax numbers for denominational leaders, headquarters, agencies, and regional headquarters, as well as historical and current statistical data. The Yearbook provides: * phone numbers * fax numbers * contact names * addresses * where to find e-mail addresses * statistics of church membership and finances * descriptions of denominations * listing of denominations by common heritage * names and addresses of church leaders, denominational headquarters and regional offices, national and regional ecumenical organizations * listings of theological schools and Bible colleges * statistics of seminary enrollment * listings of religious periodicals * calendar of religious holidays and festivals * extensive, improved indexes (including an index of names)