The Sixties Experience
The 1960s have yet to be adequately explained. After a decade of "Sixties -bashing" and mass media romanticizing, after a host of "second wave" books reexamining portions of the 1960s, there is a need to integrate the experience of those years into a larger framework of understanding. The Sixties Experience is a coherent and uniquely comprehensive assessment of the meaning of that time for the contemporary world. "Sixties movements," observes Edward P. Morgan, "were grounded in a democratic vision that is as compelling today as it was then: a belief that all people should be included as full members of society, that individuals become empowered through meaningful social participation, and that politics ought to be grounded on respect and compassion for the individual person." He argues that the most fundamental lesson taught by movement experience was that, outside of significant liberal achievements (such as civil rights legislation), this democratic vision would not, and could not, be realized within the American system. This realization thus led to a radical reassessment of basic American institutions. The Sixties Experience traces the evolution of this democratic vision and explores it through the concrete experiences of the civil rights and black power movements, the new student Left and the campus revolt, Vietnam and the antiwar movement, and the counterculture. Using first-person material, narrative accounts, and evocative excerpts from popular culture, he brings alive the vibrant energy and intense feelings generated by movement experiences He also traces the connection of the women's and ecology movements to the Sixties experience, outlining their contribution, and that of a "revitalized Left," to the enduring legacies of the 1960s. In its vivid narratives and comprehensive, accessible explanations, The Sixties Experience addresses two main audiences: the generation that came of age during the 1960s and continues to reformulate the meaning of its experience, and young people curious about the tumult, the commitment, and the importance of the Sixties. More broadly, in its critical perspective, the book responds to those who scapegoat and dismiss that decade; in his critical assessment of the movements themselves, Morgan counters those who romanticize the 1960s. Author note: Edward P. Morgan is Professor of Government at Lehigh University.