Bygone Binghamton
Bygone Binghamton Remembering People and Places of the Past Volume One is a peoples history of some of the most memorable persons, events, and landmarks of the Binghamton area in modern times. It includes the personal memories in their own words of hundreds of people crosschecked, whenever possible, by letters, newspapers, scrapbooks, and personal files. Its many chapters focus on well-remembered restaurants, Mom and Pop grocery stores, ice cream and penny candy places, dairies, and bakeries. It tells, for the first time, the origins of the famous sauce served at Little Venice, the secret wartime exploits of the man who founded Pinos, the background of the Pig Stands, the long-repressed World War II horrors experienced by a young boy who grew up to own the Schnitzelbank, and the married couple who gave Pat Mitchell his start in the ice cream business. Local companies like GAF/Ansco/Ozalid, General Electric, and the Erie Shops are profiled. The founding, heyday, and history of IBM in Endicott are explored. The chapter on Endicott Johnson is a small book in itself and provides information never before published. The once-flourishing downtown shopping districts come to life once again in the words of those who remember them. The notorious Clinton Street Run lives again in the stories of people who attempted it. Drazens, Philadelphia Sales, and Lescrons are among the highlighted stores. Former newspapers and magazines and some of the most beloved or controversial writers Tom Cawley, Gene Grey, Lou Parrillo are recalled.