The No-Breakfast Plan and the Fasting-Cure
"This work presents Dr. Dewey's theories in a clear, concise way, giving the origin of the no-breakfast plan and the theories upon which it is based." -The Publishers' Trade List Annual, Volume 2, August, 1905 "Your boarding house lady is too besotted to reform; work out your own salvation. Omit breakfast or lunch at the table, and eat a small health meal in your room; such as fruit juice or a hot drink, or fresh fruit and whole-wheat crackers, or a good flaked cereal and cream with prunes, figs or berries. Read 'The No-Breakfast Plan' by Dr. E. H. Dewey." -The Independent, Volumes 86-87, April 3, 1916 "I have since found that my greatest service at the beds of the sick is as an interpreter of symptoms rather than a vender of drugs. As my experience enlarged so did my faith in Nature; Most of the cases of disease that fall to the care of the physician are trivial, self-limited, and rapidly recover under even the most crucifying dosages; Nature really winning the victories, the physician carrying off the honors. Feed, feed the sick whether or not, say all the doctors, say all the books, to support strength or to keep life in the body, and yet Nature was absurd enough to ignore all human practice evolved from experience, and in her own way to support vital power while curing the disease." -Edward Hooker Dewey, M. D. I. Introduction--Army experiences in the Civil War--Early years in general practice--Difficulties encountered--Medicinal treatment found wanting as a means to superior professional success II. A case of typhoid fever that revolutionized the Author's faith and practice--A cure without drugs, without food III. A study of the brain from a new point of view IV. The error of enforced food in cases of severe injuries and diseases V. An apostrophe to physicians VI. The origin of the No-breakfast Plan--Personal experience of the Author as a dyspeptic VII. Digestive conditions--Taste relish--Hunger relish--The moral science involved in digestion as a new study--Cheer as a digestive power--Its contagiousness VIII. The No-breakfast Plan among farmers and other laborers - Why the hardest labor is more easily performed and for more hours without a breakfast IX. The utility of slow eating and thorough mastication X. Landscape-gardening upon the human face--Absurdity of the use of drugs to cure diseases-Mission of homoeopathy THE FASTING-CURE. XI. The forty-two day fast of Mr. W. W. C. Cowen, of Warrensburg, Ill., and its successful end--Press account--The twenty-eight day fast of Mr. Milton Rathbun, of New York, and its successful end--Press account--A second fast of Mr. Milton Rathbun, of thirty-five days, in the interest of science, and its successful end--Press account--Adverse comments of Dr. George N. Shrady, an eminent New York physician XII. The remarkable fast of forty-five days of Miss Estella Kuenzel, of Philadelphia, resulting in a complete cure of a case of melancholia--Press accounts--A still more remarkable fast, of fifty days, of Mr. Leonard Thress, of Philadelphia, resulting in a complete cure of a bad case of general dropsy--Press accounts--General dropsy in a woman of seventy-six relieved by a fifteen-day fast, with the cure permanent--Rev. Dalrymple's fast of thirty-nine and one-half days without interruption of pastoral duties XIII. Insanity--A study from a new point of view XIV. The evolution of obesity, and its easy relief by fasting XV. Chronic alcoholism--The evolution of the drunkard--His complete, easy, rational cure by fasting XVI. A successful sixty-day fast under the Author's care--The error of drinking water without thirst--Concluding words