Community Capitalism
"Vexed!" Every American's "Bitch List", "Community Capitalism"—market-driven, community-centric, entrepreneurial capitalism—lays out the problems confronting Capitalism, those threatening once again to destroy the economic well-being of the American Nation and all of its allies and associates in Western and World Civilization. From "the Stock Market" to derivatives to banks to lawyers in politics to patenting intangibles to educational failures to unions, "Community Capitalism" lays bare the issues: the internals, the problems and the illogical, human-destructive hubris of profit-before market, divine-right "Greed Capitalism." All American legislation (and that of Western Europe, too) of the past couple of decades has favored the big corporations while putting ever more insufferable demands on small businesses. At the same time, the programs of the first eight years of the century have helped to destroy American education by forcing it into what can only be called Stalinist regimentation. No one is taking responsibility for the multi-billion dollar (and euro) financial fiascos forced on the taxpayers. This has hit the American and the Greek people with taxation imposed without their consent for actions they never agreed to-the gambling that resulted in those horrendous fees. To get the world out of this condition, "Community Capitalism" proposes a basic rethinking, and redirected application of the strengths of Capitalism, to return to community-enriching, stable, progressive commerce allied with the human-centered methods of traditional, pre-"Spreadsheet-Capitalism," pre-derivative-deranged business sensibilities. The primary concept around which this is based is that of "Fiducium," a name coined to encapsulate the spirit of fiduciary responsibility, extended into all aspects of human endeavor. Eduard Qualls calls not only on his advanced business degree, but on his extensive Humanities, historical and linguistic/cultural education, heightened and honed by the experience bestowed by his almost 30 successful years within the computer science industry. Yet it was also his experience of being misused and mal-used by the mindless machinations of fatally financial-operative, mindless mega-corporate America that spurred him to organize within this volume an exposition of that damnable, destructive dysfunction he has been witnessing as it has metastasized during these past 12+ years into the consumptive calamity we must all now contend against. This book will please neither the ultra-conservative nor the ultra-liberal. But it will ring true to all those who in free and generous equanimity love their families, their neighbors and neighborhoods, their commmunities, and their Nation-indeed, all those who cherish the fond hope of a more human, more humane world of opportunity for themselves, their children, and the future of their communities. In this book Mr. Qualls gives voice to all the people in the Western World who are utterly, angrily exasperated with the way the economy and sociable life are being wrecked by wantons, gamblers and wastrels, yet who must remain quiet, silently feeding that frustration because of fear of losing their jobs if they speak out. Yes, he's "Vexed!" And you should be, too!