Compelled by Love: a Journey to Missional Living - Member Book (HCSB)
Compelled by Love: A Journey to Missional Living - Member Book (HCSB) is a 7-session Bible study for adults, mission teams, church mission and ministry leaders. The what of ministry is to declare God's greatness and to call people to respond to the gospel. But sometimes the why of ministry escapes us. We should do the right thing, but we simply don't have the motivation. Based on 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, this course places participants in touch with the heart of God -- the compassion, mercy, and love that drove Him to sacrifice His Son for their salvation. They will discover how they can join God on mission, sharing His love with everyone they meet, everywhere they go. Session Titles: Missional Living Our Missionary God Our Missional Endeavor Making a Missional Impact Missional Spirituality Missional Obedience Launching into Mission Features: Teaches believers how to let love for God and for people guide their daily thoughts, motivation, and activity. Living a biblical love will enable participants to look beyond their wants and preferences to the issues of God's kingdom and other's needs. Believers will be motivated to be on mission 24/7. By gaining a missional perspective on life, participants can make a difference for the glory of God. Believers will learn what it means to be ambassadors for Christ. Authors: Philip Nation is an editor in Leadership and Adult Publishing at Lifeway Christian Resources. He has worked in a number of areas of ministry, including youth minister, single-adult minister, senior pastor, and education minister. Prior to coming to Lifeway, Philip served as a church planter with the North American Mission Board. Ed Stetzer is the president of Lifeway Research and missiologist in residence at Lifeway Christian Resources. Ed has planted churches in New York, Pennsylvania, and Georgia and has trained church planters and pastors across the United States and on five continents. He is the author of Planting New Churches in a Postmodern Age and the coauthor of Perimeters of Light: Biblical Boundaries for the Emerging Church, Breaking the Missional Code, Planting Missional Churches, Comeback Churches, and 11 Innovations in the Local Church.