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First Reports of Non-phytophagous Nearctic Chrysaugine Moths (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)
Coprophagy and probable saprophagy are reported for larvae of two species of chrysaugine moths (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Larvae of Parachma ochracealis Walker are found in rotten pine wood and mulch in North-Central Florida. Larvae of Basacallis tarachodes (Dyar) inhabit feces of an unidentified small mammal in a cave in Central Florida and seem to be troglophilic. These behaviors are compared to similar ones in Neotropical chrysaugines such as Humiphila Becker and Cryptoses Dyar. Saprophagy and coprophagy are predicted to be more general habits among Chrysauginae.
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Flapperhouse #16 - Winter 2018
Flapperhouse #16 - Winter 2018
Radio waves, headless mules, forbidden books, lost cities, dark moon missions, lousy philosophers, Sycorax, Selena, Lizzie Borden: FLAPPERHOUSE #16
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Catalog of the World Species of Trichodesma LeConte, 1861 (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) and Associated Genera
A catalog of the species of Trichodesma LeConte (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) for the world is provided, including synonyms and misspellings. Six additional genera, Anobiopsis Fall, Belemia Español, Nanodesma Zahradník, Nicobium LeConte, Trichobiopsis White, and Trichodesmina Español, are also cataloged for completeness. The species name, author, year, and page number of description are given for each species, as well as references for combinations by different authors. The type depository is given when known, and followed by a “?” when unknown but suspected, and a general distribution is given by region of the world followed by country. Authorship of the genus Trichodesma in Lepidoptera is transferred to Schaus. ZooBank registration.
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An Annotated Catalog of the Type Material of Adephaga and Myxophaga (Coleoptera) Deposited in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods in Gainesville, Florida, United States of America
"Abstract: The Florida State Collection of Arthropods (FSCA) ranks in the top 10 largest Coleoptera collections in the United States of America with in excess of 1.5 million pinned beetles and significant amounts of materials in bulk collections and other unprocessed samples. The suborder Adephaga currently comprises approximately 34,000 species in 10 extant families and the suborder Myxophaga contains approximately 94 species in four extant families. The FSCA owns type material in the adephagan families Carabidae, Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, and Noteridae. The myxophagan holdings in the FSCA include type material from the families Hydroscaphidae and Lepiceridae. There were no holdings of type material in the suborder Archostemata at FSCA. This catalogue documents the FSCA type material for 253 species in 80 genera across the two suborders. A total of 3,528 type specimens are reported, including 60 holotypes, 36 allotypes, 3,426 paratypes, and six syntypes. Keywords: Coleoptera, Beetles, beetle, FSCA, Archostemata, Dytiscidae, Noteridae, Haliplidae, Carabidae, Gyrinidae, Hydroscaphidae, Lepiceridae"--Page 3.
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