Designed for those preparing to write in the current multimedia environment, MediaWriting explores: the linkages between print, broadcast, and public relations styles outlines the nature of good writing synthesizes and integrates professional skills and concepts Complete with interesting real-world examples and exercises, this textbook gives students progressive writing activities amid an environment for developing research and interviewing skills. Starting from a basis in writing news and features for print media, it moves on to writing for broadcast news media, then introduces students to public relations writing in print, broadcast, and digital media, as well as for news media and advertising venues. Rather than emphasizing the differences among the three writing styles, this book synthesizes and integrates the three concepts, weaving in basic principles of Internet writing and reporting. This book provides beginning newswriting students with a primer for developing the skills needed for work in the media industry. As such, it is a hands-on writing text for students preparing in all professional areas of communication--journalism, broadcasting, media, and public relations.