There have been many books on Discourse Analysis available in the market and bookstores. They were written in English for students of English around the world. Few books on Indonesian pragmatics have been written in Indonesian. However, a book on Discourse Analysis by Indonesian writers has not yet been available, let alone for Indonesian students of English at Kanjuruhan University of Malang. Considering this fact, we dare write a little book on Discourse Analysis. This little book was written on the basis of our teaching experiences in Discourse Analysis. A lot of input has been obtained after years of teaching Discourse Analysis. The given data which become the raw materials for this little book were then compiled, and re-set under several headings. This little book falls into seven chapters. Each chapter treats a different topic which is then elaborated into several points. The topics covered in this little book are the concept of Discourse and its problems, the function of language, and principles in discourse analysis. With this clear design and easy language (hereafter, English) the little book may meet the students’ knowledge of Discourse Analysis. As it might be subjective in nature, criticism from the readers and users are heartily welcome.