The Workbook
This workbook is designed to confront you with heartfelt questions to make you consider your relationship with God. Repentance is the first step to repairing and maintaining the relationship. This workbook along with the book, “Why America Needs to Repent”, is designed to confront the reader with Biblical truths that cannot lay dormant. They must be addressed. It helps the reader in their personal conversation with God. Sin separates us from God the same way the misbehavior of a child may cause a temporary rift in a parent-child relationship. This is why we must repent daily. We must constantly desire a closer relationship with God and intentionally turn away from anything and everything that may get in the way. The life of Judas Iscariot gives us a good look at our humanity and where repentance could possibly play a role. In this workbook, you will have many conversations. What is the mark of a true Christian? The fruits of the Spirit are diverse, but they are the same. How does God hold us accountable when we misuse other people? What happens when sin is ignored? What sins are an abomination to God? What are some multi-dimensional manifestations of God? Is it really possible to give thanks to God during our toughest trials? Why do you think the story of the rich man that found himself in hell is included in the Bible? The most important question of all at the end of each chapter is, “After studying this chapter, what am I going to do differently?”