This NUBook is an introduction to 'The AdventurIS Series, ' where there is a lot more knowledge and experience to be shared and known. I have studied The Real History of Mankind and what has taken place here. Most people will look at what I am presenting as a fantasy, science fiction, and even a conspiracy theory, but these are people who have been educated to be one-dimensional from the Invented Systems. The Whole of Life is so beyond what anyone can even begin to imagine, and very few people will ever discover The TruReality Life IS. ALL of Life IS with us all the time, and until a person comes to realize that nothing is really past or outside of them, but that they are the completeness of themselves already and waiting to be realized and then Recognize What IS Real, they will continues to take on future embodiments and have to deal with all their unconscious causes and effects they have and are creating, especially from a subconscious level... This IS Real! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info