Advocacy and Professional Ethics Paper III Adcocate-on-Record (AOR) Examination of Supreme Court
NOTE ABOUT BOOK The book consists of a compilation of eighteen chapters. The concept of a profession; Nature of the legal profession and its purposes; Connection between morality and ethics; Professional Ethics in general:-definitions, general principles, seven lamps of Advocacy, public trust doctrine, exclusive right to practice in Court; History of legal profession in India and relevant statutes; Law governing the profession and its relevance and scope; professional excellence and conduct. Professional, criminal and other misconduct and punishment for it (Ss. 35 and 24(A) and other provisions of the Advocates Act, 1961 and prescribed code of conduct); Duty not to strike; Advertisement/ Solicitation; The rules of the Bar council of India on the obligations and duties of the profession, need to shun sharp practices and commercialization of the profession and the role of the Bar in promotion of legal services under the constitutional scheme of providing equal justice; Role of Bar Council in regulating ethics. Bar Council Rules Chapter-II Standard of professional conduct and Etiquette. Different duties of an advocate lay down in the bar council rules on ethics; Conflict between duties and law to resolve them. Difference between: breach of ethics and misconduct and negligence, misconduct and crime; Perspectives on the role of the profession in the Adversary system and critiques of the adversary system with ethics; Issues of advocacy in the criminal law adversarial system, the zealous advocacy in the criminal defense setting and prosecutorial ethics; Lawyer client relationship, confidentiality and issues of conflicts of interest (Sec. 126 of the Evidence Act); Counseling, negotiation and mediation and their importance to administration of justice. Mediation – Ethical Consideration; Amicus Curiae – Ethical Consideration; Current developments in the organization of the profession, firms, companies etc. and application of ethics; Special role of the profession in Supreme Court Practice and its obligations to administration of justice. Adjournments; Duties of Advocate-on-Record; Supervisory role of Supreme Court; Contempt of Courts; Role of Bar Council and Bar Associations, Role of Bar Council, Role of Bar Association, and Code of Legal Ethics of Bar Associations; Duties of Advocate on Record, Adjournment in Courts; Supervisory Role of Supreme Court, Special Role of the Profession in Supreme Court practice and its Obligations to Administration of Justice; Current developments in the organization of the Profession, Firms, Companies etc. and Application of Ethics; Perspectives on the Role of the Profession in the Adversary System and critiques of the Adversary System vis a vis Ethics; And Comparative study of the Profession and Ethics in various countries, and their relevance to the Bar.