She was witty. She was a fearless hurricane, a rare bird with a sole plan - The Mysterious M3 - Memes, Momos, Munnas. Jumping off a cliff was easier than tricking her, but she fell for him madly. Her life turned upside down when she was diagnosed with a bizarre disease. Destiny had plotted her happiness on a seismograph, and before she coped with the catastrophe, she was dealt another blow - a blot on her escutcheon. The Richter's scale shuddered at the magnitude of her melancholy; however, the bizarre disease emerged as a blessing in disguise, and she served mankind for years. Tag her fate a tragical comedy or a comical tragedy, but she was The Chosen One, The Goddess, The Woman Of The Decade! Who was this Wonder Womaniya? Would she get him back? What was her Mysterious M3 about? How would she serve mankind? How would she serve the mankind?