CORRUPTION Is Eating Country Like Termite
Corruption, like an epidemic, is something which has seeped deep into our society and wiping away something which exist from the root to the tip of the leaves, is a long process which requires time. It is not easy to get-rid of corruption from a country like ours, where it exists at every level be it the public or the private sector. Even NGOs are not free from corruption. We need a holistic approach to go into the causes and roots of corruption. This requires administrative, judicial and parliamentary reforms. The four Cs – corruption, criminalisation, communalism and casteism – besides the power of three Ms – money, muscle and mafia – have to be eradicated from grass-root level through effective legislation. Steep rise in population, extreme poverty, unemployment, shortage of land and food, pollution, poor quality of life, deteriorating socio-economic conditions and standards of living compel many to go for corrupt practices. The book covers issues, such as: 1) Areas of Corruption, 2) Corruption in Different Sectors, 3) Anti-corruption Policies, Laws & Acts and 4) How to Combat Corruption. The book will be of immense value to policy makers, programme planners, public and private sectors, NGOs, social and environmental workers, developmental practitioners and the people in general who dream to see India, “Free from Corruption”. The views expressed by the author are personal and derived after a long study of valued documents.