Modern Techniques To Sustainable Agriculture
As of 2022, India's population was 1.417 billion. By 2030, the nation is expected to have more than 1.5 billion residents, making it the most populated in the world. Food is one of the most vital resources and there is a considerably larger need for resources now than there ever was due to the expanding population. Even though more than half of India's population works in agriculture, the country is fundamentally an agrarian economy, yet the agriculture industry has long experienced certain difficulties. The agricultural sector, which forms the foundation of the Indian economy, accounts for around 16.5% of the country's GDP. The art and science of cultivating a piece of land producing crops, and rearing livestock is known as agriculture. It gives the world food and textiles. Leather, wool, cotton and wood are other resources provided by agriculture. In India, agriculture is the primary source of income for the vast majority of people and is hence extremely important. Currently, the nation is dealing with second-generation issues, particularly those pertaining to nutrition, sustainability, the uptake of new agricultural technology and possibly most crucially the income levels of the farming-dependent populace. Agriculture is dealing with brand-new, unheard-of difficulties. The necessity for sustainable agriculture is more important than ever in light of the world's expanding population and rising food demand. The goal of this comprehensive reference, "Modern Techniques to Sustainable Agriculture" is to provide readers with up-to-date knowledge on the newest approaches and techniques in the field of sustainable agriculture. It seeks to close the knowledge gap between conventional agricultural methods and the demands of sustainable, eco-friendly agriculture. It is a thorough manual for comprehending and putting into practice sustainable agricultural methods that may feed the globe without depleting natural resources. It is divided into chapters that each cover a particular method or methodology, including a thorough summary, a how-to manual, and examples of successful applications of the method. It covers a wide range of issues that are essential to our agricultural systems' sustainability, from crop rotation and organic farming to precision agriculture and agroforestry. Anyone with an interest in agriculture, be it a student, researcher, policymaker, or farmer, is the target audience for this book. Regardless of your level of experience with the subject, everyone can easily understand the way the material is presented. This book aims to inform as well as motivate a new generation of scholars, farmers, academicians, and policymakers to embrace sustainable farming techniques that will determine the direction of agriculture in the future. The methods in this book have been shown to boost output while reducing environmental effect and are supported by extensive scientific study. We really believe that reading this book will help you better grasp the potential and difficulties that the sustainable agricultural industry faces. But above all, we hope that it will work as a catalyst, inspiring more people to engage in sustainable agriculture. We encourage you, the reader, to use these methods in your own farming endeavors in addition to taking lessons from this book. Share your insights, triumphs, and difficulties with others. By working together, we can make agriculture sustainable in the future. We are grateful that you have joined us on this adventure. Let's work together to create a future in which agriculture serves both the purpose of feeding the world and safeguarding it for future generations.