Rorschach Profile Of College Students : A Comparison Between Tribal And Non-Tribal College Student Of Skmu, Santal Pargana, Jharkhand
This book is based on empirical research work on College students of Sido Kanhu Murmu University, Dumka, Jharkhand. Under this study an attempt has been made to develop a norm of Rorschach Psychodiagnostics for college students in general and to assess assess their Structure of Personality . Rorschach Psychodiagnostics or test (RT) is a popular psycho-diagnostic tool to assess the inner conflicts, underlying unconscious complexes, psychopathology, etc. on the basis of 10 standardized chromatic and achromatic cards. Rorschach Test helps to understand the cognitive capacity, organisation of thought , perception and emotion, inner conflicts, thinking, memory, creativity, etc. through ambiguous figures. The responses collected on Location, Determinants, Content and Popular percepts it has been tried to explain the inner structure of College students which includes both tribal and non tribal college students. Results interprets a significant difference between them in respect of education, culture, socialization and environmental exposure. Both groups had the tendencies to follow the norms but they used to differ in expression of cognitive behaviour to some extent. Hope this book will help reserachers, academicians, reserach scholars and M.Phil and P.G.students to learn more in the development of norms, general interpretations of behaviour , and generalizing the result in the particularly ethnic, or socio-cultural groups .