This book includes information on criteria for the quality of herbal medicines, herbal cosmetics, natural sweeteners, and nutraceuticals, as well as the foundations of the herbal drug business and the quality of raw materials. Concerns like good manufacturing practices (GMP), patenting, and regulations pertaining to herbal medications are also heavily stressed in this area. For a considerable amount of time, both wealthy and developing countries have used herbal treatments widely. They are also highly favoured due to their efficacy, safety, and absence of adverse effects. The safety and effectiveness data, however, fall short of what is needed to permit their use internationally. We have developed this book to provide an overview of the basic understanding of herbal medication technology, regulatory and patenting difficulties, as well as contemporary herbal excipients, etc. We also provide a summary of recent advancements in herbal technology for the treatment and avoidance of several chronic conditions. The authors of this book want for it to meet the standards of every student enrolled in a pharmacy course.