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Carbon Nanotubes for Next Generation Electrical and Electronic Components
Carbon Nanotubes for Next Generation Electrical and Electronic Components
Electrical and Electronics Components using Copper (Cu) and Aluminium (Al) as a conducting material for many decades. This work presents the use of Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) material to replace the traditional electrical and electronics conductive material. Also this work extensively reviewed the use of CNTs for the applications such as transformers, inductors, cables, connectors and motors which can considerably reduce the size and weight of the electrical components. Also, CNTs can be used as a electrical interconnect and bond wire material in electronics semiconductor devices. CNTs are promising conductive material for next generation electrical and electronics devices
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E-Pedagogy for the Digital Age
E-Pedagogy for the Digital Age
Adult learners have more options for enrolling in postsecondary education than ever before, and they are able to use their learning style preference in deciding which program best meets their needs. For some of these students, those programs are fully online, and for others, there is minimal use of technology. As technology grows and become more integrated into individual lives, the unique learning styles and preferences of adults need to learn to be incorporated into instructional design. Drawing on a regional sample of US colleges, 545 adult learners in a graduate programs were surveyed about how to effectively build community in their online classes. Results indicated some agreement with these instructional tools. Mature adult learners, however, were found to have stronger agreement with strategies that included work outside of the formal online class. These results suggest perhaps a greater comfort for adults in working in spaces where there is less likelihood of being judged or graded, and that they might value relational work with other students in different ways than younger adults.
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Cyberpsychology in the Tech-Fed Virtual World
Cyberpsychology in the Tech-Fed Virtual World
For a wide variety of reasons, colleges and universities have increased their online course offerings. These programs, including both formal degree programs as well as non-credit and leisure learning options, rely on students to engage with their faculty members as well as other learners to maximize their class experiences. Virtual learning, however, can be a difficult space to create community and resulted in the need to explore how community and culture can be constructed in the virtual, tech-fed world. The model presented here consists of five key elements that program administrators, instructional designers, and teaching faculty must all take into consideration as they develop their courses.
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Ghosts of Futures Past
Ghosts of Futures Past
Ghosts of Futures Past guides readers through the uncanny world of nineteenth-century American spiritualism. More than an occult parlor game, this was a new religion, which channeled the voices of the dead, linked present with past, and conjured new worldly and otherworldly futures. Tracing the persistence of magic in an emergent culture of secularism, Molly McGarry brings a once marginalized practice to the center of American cultural history. Spiritualism provided an alchemical combination of science and magic that called into question the very categories of male and female, material and immaterial, self and other, living and dead. Dissolving the boundaries between them opened Spiritualist practitioners to other voices and, in turn, allowed them to imagine new social worlds and forge diverse political affinities.
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Carbon Nanotubes for Next Generation Electrical and Electronic Components
Carbon Nanotubes for Next Generation Electrical and Electronic Components
Electrical and Electronics Components using Copper (Cu) and Aluminium (Al) as a conducting material for many decades. This work presents the use of Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) material to replace the traditional electrical and electronics conductive material. Also this work extensively reviewed the use of CNTs for the applications such as transformers, inductors, cables, connectors and motors which can considerably reduce the size and weight of the electrical components. Also, CNTs can be used as a electrical interconnect and bond wire material in electronics semiconductor devices. CNTs are promising conductive material for next generation electrical and electronics devices
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Innovative Trends in Teacher Education for the 21st Century
Innovative Trends in Teacher Education for the 21st Century
Education seeks to provide the intellectual enlightenment and the spiritual emancipation in the search for a better existence for all life on earth. Teacher education must target skills for the 21st Century and beyond them to address the needs of a knowledge society. These days teacher's education system is facing problem of inaptness and irrelevance. There is a visible gap between how students live and how they learn. Schools and colleges have struggled to keep the pace with the rate of change in students' lives inside and outside the educational institution.Innovative educational practices support the development of new capabilities and surfacing stumbling blocks on the road to innovation implementation. The implementation of learning that promotes the development of general capabilities and deep learning approaches in students is at the centre of the paradigmatic changes.
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Lions 324B3 District Directory
Lions 324B3 District Directory
Lions District 324B3, consists of Madurai and Surrounding areas. The Print Edition of the Directory for 2018-19 was released by District Governor MJF Lion Dr S.S.Pari Parameswaran. This Digital Edition is a replicate of it to enable portability of information. This digital edition contain details of Lions Clubs International and its Services offered world wide. Details on International Executive Officers, Directors, Service plan for the year 2018-19 etc It gives Details on the Lion Leaders of Dist. 324B3, like DG Team, District Cabinet Officers, Regional Chairpersons, Zone Chairpersons, DCs, Club Officers, Club Members etc. Communication numbers of all members are also given. District Governors Vision and plan of action etc are given.
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Essentials of Sociology
Essentials of Sociology
Essentials of Sociology, adapted from George Ritzer’s Introduction to Sociology, provides the same rock-solid foundation from one of sociology's best-known thinkers in a shorter and more streamlined format. With new co-author Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy, the Third Edition continues to illuminate traditional sociological concepts and theories and focuses on some of the most compelling features of contemporary social life: globalization, consumer culture, the internet, and the “McDonaldization” of society. New to this Edition New “Trending” boxes focus on influential books by sociologists that have become part of the public conversation about important issues. Replacing “Public Sociology” boxes, this feature demonstrates the diversity of sociology's practitioners, methods, and subject matter, featuring such authors as o Michelle Alexander (The New Jim Crow) o Elizabeth Armstrong and Laura Hamilton (Paying for the Party) o Matthew Desmond (Evicted) o Arlie Hochschild (Strangers in Their Own Land) o Eric Klinenberg (Going Solo) o C.J. Pascoe (Dude, You're a Fag) o Lori Peek and Alice Fothergill (Children of Katrina) o Allison Pugh (The Tumbleweed Society) Updated examples in the text and "Digital Living" boxes keep pace with changes in digital technology and online practices, including Uber, Bitcoin, net neutrality, digital privacy, WikiLeaks, and cyberactivism. New or updated subjects apply sociological thinking to the latest issues including: the 2016 U.S. election Brexit the global growth of ISIS climate change further segmentation of wealthy Americans as the "super rich" transgender people in the U.S. armed forces charter schools the legalization of marijuana the Flint water crisis fourth-wave feminism
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The Surviving Twins
The Surviving Twins
The abominable twins and their mother were to be killed in Agafe forest. The task of execution was to be shouldered by two noble sons of the soil but instead, they were murdered and the resurgence of the forgotten and supposedly abominable became the turning wheel of AFIGBOS progress.
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A survey of buddhist thought
A survey of buddhist thought
Tracing the development of Buddhist thought from a primarily philosophical and epistemological point of view, this wide-ranging study covers a period of more than 2,000 years, following Buddhism from its homeland, India, through its expansion into China and Japan. The diverse historical and cultural settings of Buddhism are considered, and the significant changes and shifts in Buddhist thought are placed in context with the remarkable degree of continuity that has been maintained. Included are discussions of early Buddhist schools in India and South-East Asia, the differences between the two main branches of Buddhism, and the development of Zen philosophies in Japan.
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