Atomic, Molecular Physics and LASER
We feel a great pleasure in presenting this text book for U.G. and P.G. students and teachers from various Colleges, Institutes, Academies and Universities to improve their depth of knowledge in the related subject. The purpose of this book is to clear introductory concepts about Atomic, Molecular Physics and LASER and understand the basic concepts which are useful for NET, SET, PET and other competitive examination. This book is written in simple and lucid language with large number of essential diagram and equations covers all the aspects in which students have faced various problems in attempting examinations. Each topic provided contents and split into articles, sub-articles, multiple choice questions with answer in bold type, solved numerical, question for self study and unsolved problems for more practice. Furthermore attempts have made to explain everything whenever required. We hope that this book will definitely fulfill all the requirements of the students and they will welcome this edition with satisfaction. We have done our job with great care and caution. However there may be very few printing errors which may have escaped our attention. So we cannot claim to be infallible. We shall grateful to all teacher and students who will be kind enough in pin pointing our follies, which have escaped our attention. We are firmly believe that there is always scope and improvement, suggestions and comments further improvement will be highly appreciated and gratefully acknowledged from worth teachers, expert professors and student will be received.