Age 49+ Gateway to the Life I Lead
Although this book is a relatively small work, that is, with few pages, it is about a subject of great weight and importance. We go through a transition that many of us refer to as the midlife crisis and approach it as a disease to be cured. Some of us enter this transition phase in our early forties and some of us in our late fifties. But in any case, many of us feel it. There have been some biological changes, the effectiveness of some reproductive hormones has changed in men and women. But the real changes have been in our mental world, our sense of self-worth, our self-confidence, our self-perception, our integration with our environment, and the quality of our social relationships. We now have privileges, which can provide a very important leap for us, that we did not have before. Many of the duties or responsibilities that limited us before are now no longer an obstacle. Now we can change tracks or move on the same track at high speeds , from walking to running, perhaps to flying. The necessary conditions for this have now been created. A window of opportunity has opened before us. But we don't see it and we don't evaluate it. We are busy with our own internal accounting, reworking the past many times, and we pass by the new gateway that opens before us . This study is an attempt to fill an important gap in its field, trying to illuminate and make visible the gateway, the window of opportunity, that opened before us in this special period of our lives. It is a beacon that illuminates your own path, which you can read in one breath and enrich with your own experience. We should not forget that the lantern does not determine our way, the direction we will go, the lantern illuminates our way in whichever direction we go. I wish you a second period in which you set your own new path and walk that path satisfactorily. What is a path without walking? The road is the walking itself. Come on …!