Impression Techniques in Complete Denture and Removable Partial Denture
The precision of the dental imprints is crucial for a successful dental prosthesis or restoration. “An impression is ” A negative likeness or copy in reverse of the surface of an object. ” To complete this duty, clinicians must choose an important impression technique and material carefully. The qualities of the impression material, the impression processes employed, and the attributes of the cast or die material all affect how accurate the cast is. Every method and material has benefits and downsides. The physician must choose the most appropriate material and procedure based on the facts, even when the optimal material and technique have not yet been created. It is challenging to provide traditional prosthodontic therapy to patients with compromised edentulous ridges. To meet the functional and aesthetic needs of the patient, modifications to the treatment regimen should be considered. This book Summarizes the material and techniques to be adopted for the particular situation in complete denture and removable partial denture.