An opinion survey like this has been done with an objective to understand the performance, expectations & problems of the citizens at the grass root level. Ambhzari Prabhag was selected for the prpose of this research as it is very varied with respect to area covered & the socio economic characteristics of the voters of this area. The first section of the report consists of project framework & research methodology followed for the research. The Survey was conducted for Ambazari Prabhag on 12237 voters. A voter is a person who is a permanent resident of Ambazari Prabhag & is above 18 years of age. The research objectives are to know local problems, awareness, level of satisfaction, expectations from the corporator & the parameters on which they select the corporator. The primary data from all the clusters was collected with the help of structured questionnaire. The second sections of the report details the socio economic background of the respondents of the Ambazari Prabhag. It gives information on the demographic characteristics of the Ambazari prabhag population, such as age and gender, as well as other socio-demographic variables, including marital status, living arrangements, religion, education class & the size of the family. These variables are important as they would help to correlate the expectations, problems & satisfaction level of the voters from the current administration of NMC in Ambazari Prabhag as well as unfulfilled expectations of the voters. The third section of the report gives the level of the awareness amongst the respondents about the upcoming NMC elections, level of satisfaction with the functioning of the current corporator & reasons for dissatisfaction, if any of the respondents. It also gives the results of the major problems of the respondents in their locality & also lists out the responses for the achievements of the current corporator. The fourth section of the report gives the results for the preferences & expectations of the respondents from the corporator. It give responses for the sought after qualities in the corporator like accessibility, reputation, popularity to name few. The preferred age group, personality traits of the next corporator in the opinion of the respondents is also listed in this section. The last section of the report gives the brief analysis of all the 9 clusters in which Prabhag was divided for the purpose of this survey. It enables to understand all the factors at the micro level & be more specific in conducting further analysis.