God Wants Us To Enjoy Frequent, Great Sex
In God Wants You To Enjoy Frequent, Great Sex, Dr. Mark Avery Reed shows that our sex life matters to God. For those married couples who say they believe in Him, the Bible tells us that the Lord wants us to enjoy a robust sex life in marriage. A refusal to try to develop this is rebellion toward God and a self-willed indifference about living as the Lord intends. The result is our needless suffering, disappointing the God we claim to love, and harming our spouse; who is supposed to be our most beloved neighbor. Using the Bible and literature on sexuality, God Wants You To Enjoy Frequent, Great Sex explains what kind of marital sex God wants us to enjoy. Strong evidence is presented throughout the Bible in support of this. Furthermore, through extensive review of studies and the literature on sex, God Wants You To Enjoy Frequent, Great Sex mentions over 500 benefits from enjoying frequent and great sex. These benefits include: -Benefits for our physical health -Benefits for our mental health -Benefits for our marriage -Benefits for our children -Benefits for our spiritual health If we refuse to show love in such a fundamentally important way to our dearest neighbor then we should vigorously pursue healing; whether it be from childhood sexual abuse, resentment and unforgiveness, fear of intimacy, or whatever else is preventing us from showing love to our spouse as God intended. This book informs us that withholding frequent, great sex from our spouse is described as stealing from, defrauding, cheating, starving, and tormenting our spouse. Hardly very loving behavior! The Lord certainly cannot be pleased with this or that we not only refused to accept the 500+ gifts He intended for us to have but forced our spouse to go without those gifts as well. Dr. Reed shows that there is a correlation between our sexual growth and our spiritual growth. When our development in one is genuinely healthy, the other area should also be enriched. This is because both improving sexuality and progressing spirituality are about experiencing more loving connections. We can do better!