Conceptual Foundations
Issues and Trends Online is an interactive and evaluative learning system designed to support Creasia/Parker: Conceptual Foundations: A Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, 4th Edition. This comprehensive course package consists of 15 modules that tie directly to many of the chapters in the main textbook. All of the modules are consistently organized throughout the course to keep the learner focused on pertinent information. The general module structure provides student objectives, required reading, notes from the instructor, learning activities/exercises, summary, additional resources on the Internet and critical thinking questions. Each module is organized in a consistent format and features an introduction, student objectives, reading assignment, learning activities/exercises, summary, test your knowledge, additional resources on the Internet, and critical thinking questions to keep readers focused on pertinent information. Features student objectives that provide clear, visual explanations of concepts. Offers reading assignments to link online content to the text. Features learning activities/exercises using a variety of engaging exercises designed to test content knowledge and critical thinking skills. Offers a summary to provide a wrap-up of the content in each module to keep the reader focused on pertinent information. Includes a test your knowledge quiz to wrap up the content at the end of every module. Includes additional resources on the Internet requiring students to do further research to incorporate into online assignments. Provides critical thinking questions to help the student to adequately apply knowledge of key concepts. Includes a user's guide with complete instructions on how to get started with the online course, a full description of each feature available, and how to work through each section of the course. Also available packaged with Creasia/Parker: Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice, 4th Edition.