Laboratory Manual of Social Pharmacy
We are pleased to put forth the revised edition of “Laboratory Manual of Social Pharmacy”. This manual is prepared as per the PCI Education Regulations, 2020 for Diploma in Pharmacy. This laboratory manual is intended to give broad knowledge of social pharmacy and the role of pharmacists in various health care services. The practicals included are the services provided by the government or private health care industries that are not known to the common public. This manual will create emphasis on that and make students think of it, search it, brainstorm it, and use this information to counsel the community. In addition, some of the experiments are on health and hygiene that help to prevent the various communicable diseases and maintain personal hygiene. Moreover, the role of pharmacist in various scenes is identified and communicated to the students, so the students are aware of it and demonstrate these skills to the society when necessary. We have incorporated all the suggestions, modified it to make it easier, student friendly and relevant in terms of achieving curriculum outcome. We are very much thankful to all the learned teachers who have given their feedback whole-heartedly. This manual is designed for 'outcome-based education' and each experiment is arranged in a uniform way such as practical significance, practical outcomes (PrOs) and its mapping with course outcomes, minimum theoretical background, resources used, procedure, precautions, observations, result, conclusion, references, and related questions. Moreover, assessment scheme is also given to help the student and teacher to know what to be assessed. This manual is a sincere effort to improve the community and social oriented skills in the pharmacy students. The students have to perform tasks in each experiment, like visiting the PHC, pharmacy, community pharmacy, hospital, searching on the WHO websites, etc., to make this manual interesting for the students and teachers. This manual asks the student to prepare various promotional materials of the health care services and hygienic care required to be taken by the society for a healthier and happier community life. We acknowledge the help and cooperation extended by various persons in bringing out this manual. We are highly indebted to the authors of various books and articles mentioned in references of each experiment, which became a major source of information for writing this manual. We also admire the publishers, designers, and printers who graciously worked hard to publish this manual.