Contribution of Bombay Physical Culture Association to the Fields of Physical Education, Sports and Allied Disciplines
1.1 NEED AND BACKGROUND 1.1.1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS WITHIN SOCIETY Man is a social animal both by need and necessity. Social institutions are born with cultural influences. Social institution is one of the products of culture. Institutions are necessary to maintain social order and control human behavior. Social institutions are born to satisfy human needs. All the needs and desires of the individuals and human beings are met by social institutions. Social institutions are simply social habits. For example, the habits of shaving in the morning, uttering prayers before going to bed. Habits are systematized instituted or established by groups. Institutions may also be defined as, “habitual ways of living together which have been sanctioned, systematized and established by the authority of communities”. An institution, therefore, “may be type of group”. In this sense the family is an institution, (and if it conducts itself in institutionalized ways) Robert Bierstead considers that “institutions as an organized way of doing something”. Institutions are socially important because they transfer cultural elements from one generation to another. For example, the father of the family teaches his sons and daughters about the family - the way of life, economic way of life and religious way of life. A social institution introduces unity in human behavior. A social institution also controls the conduct and character of man in the society. Modern life is not as simple as that of ancient times. It is complex. The complexity has been produced by our growing and different needs. The needs are self-preservation, Self-perpetuation and self-expression. These needs are met only by social institutions. Social institutions represent the social structure of the society. We can conclude that the social relationships include common values and procedure to achieve basic needs of society. Common value means shared ideas and goals, procedure means the accepted standardized norms and the social relationships include the behavior of the people. (A. Youb, 2008).