Youth Pastor
A youth pastor—whether paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time, right out of college or right out of retirement—has a big job to do. Actually, anyone who accepts God's call to help young people grow as disciples of Christ has several big jobs to do. The youth minister must be a teacher who can communicate the essentials of the faith; a friend who can listen to and be present with young people; a prophet who challenges teens to live lives of justice and righteousness; and an administrator who can manage the day-to-day logistics of youth ministry. Youth Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Youth Ministry provides a biblical and theological grounding for the many jobs a youth minister does, explains what each of these jobs entails, and helps youth pastors identify where their gifts lie and where they still need to grow. Whether you are a first-time youth minister or a seasoned youth ministry veteran, Youth Pastor gives you valuable tools for evaluating your ministry and vocation. It also serves as an excellent text for undergraduate courses in youth ministry. Table of Contents: Introduction Chapter 1 Becoming All Things in Ministry Chapter 2 Discipling Teacher Chapter 3 Evangelistic Missionary Chapter 4 Pastoral Shepherd Chapter 5 Organized Administrator Chapter 6 Bold Prophet Chapter 7 Compassionate Priest Chapter 8 Spiritual Friend Chapter 9 Equipping Recruiter Chapter 10 Visionary Leader Chapter 11 Faithful Teammate Chapter 12 Discover Your Ministry Style Epilogue: Character and Competence in Ministry Appendix: Youth Ministry Role Inventory