Leadership Beef Jerky
Leadership competencies may be the tools of leadership, but biblically informed character is the power of leadership. The exercise of leadership involves character, competence, and congruence. Who you are as a leader—your character and how your wiring plays a role in your practice of leadership—your congruence, will determine the effectiveness of your leadership practices. The competencies you leverage will produce exponential results. In Leadership Beef Jerky, author Dr. Gregory W. Bourgond presents principles and practices that help organize how you think about leadership and what will and should inform your understanding and practice. He introduces you to a calibration of the soul, guarding your heart because it will bring forth, good or bad, what is stored within. Based on his personal experiences, Bourgond offers processes, procedures, methodologies, tactics, and strategies to help you become a more effective leader regardless of the number of people you lead. He demonstrates when the head and the heart align—the beingness of your leadership—then the hand produces God-honoring results. Leadership Beef Jerky discusses the idea that effective godly leadership is developed during a lifetime, is exercised through your God-given passion and giftedness, finds its source and authority in God, is built on biblical principles and values, and is practiced in culturally sensitive ways. The principles and practices described in this guide help you become a leader after God’s heart.