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Environmental Science: Planet And People
Environmental Science: Planet And People
The three most plentiful resources on Earth—land, air, and water—are essential to the continuation of life. However, the world is now confronted with one of the most contradictory circumstances in its history: how to sustainably feed a growing population while also preserving enough resources for the needs of the current population. There's no denying that industrial and agricultural expansion, particularly in the twentieth century, has had devastating effects on the natural world. In a natural turn of events, the environment, rather than progress, has been the focus of attention on both the national and international stages. But it is encouraging to see the globe becoming aware of the threats posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Many international conventions, summits, and treaties have been established during the last decade, and they have gained unprecedented attention from not just global leaders but also the average person. The world's climate is changing, and although people may disagree about the severity and potential of these changes, they can't dispute the fact that this is harming the planet's flora and wildlife. While human activities that are harmful to the environment must be reduced, it is important to note that new technologies and industrial systems should be ecologically sustainable wherever feasible. There has to be a heightened awareness of environmental challenges in all spheres of society, including education (beginning with preschool), research, and policymaking. Environmental sciences need to be given more attention in educational and research institutions throughout the globe. However, there is a lack of excellent books and journals on the subject, a need that this book seeks to address.
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Political Science Class- XI by Dr. J.C. Johari (SBPD Publications)
Political Science Class- XI by Dr. J.C. Johari (SBPD Publications)
Part - I Indian Constitution At Work 1.Making of The Indian Constitution, 2. Fundamental Rights And Duties, 3. Systems of Reprentational Democaracy, 4. Executive In a Pariliamentary System, 5. Union And State Legislatures, 6.Judiciary, 7. Federal Systems, 8.Local Self Government, 9. Constitution As A Living Document, 10. Political Philosophy Underlying The Constitution, Part - II Political Theory 11.Political Theory, 12. Liberty, 13. Equality, 14. Social Justice, 15. Rights, 16. Citizenship, 17. Nationalism, 18. Secularism, 19. Peace, 20. Development, Board Examination Paper (JAC).
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Environmental Science: Planet And People
Environmental Science: Planet And People
The three most plentiful resources on Earth—land, air, and water—are essential to the continuation of life. However, the world is now confronted with one of the most contradictory circumstances in its history: how to sustainably feed a growing population while also preserving enough resources for the needs of the current population. There's no denying that industrial and agricultural expansion, particularly in the twentieth century, has had devastating effects on the natural world. In a natural turn of events, the environment, rather than progress, has been the focus of attention on both the national and international stages. But it is encouraging to see the globe becoming aware of the threats posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity. Many international conventions, summits, and treaties have been established during the last decade, and they have gained unprecedented attention from not just global leaders but also the average person. The world's climate is changing, and although people may disagree about the severity and potential of these changes, they can't dispute the fact that this is harming the planet's flora and wildlife. While human activities that are harmful to the environment must be reduced, it is important to note that new technologies and industrial systems should be ecologically sustainable wherever feasible. There has to be a heightened awareness of environmental challenges in all spheres of society, including education (beginning with preschool), research, and policymaking. Environmental sciences need to be given more attention in educational and research institutions throughout the globe. However, there is a lack of excellent books and journals on the subject, a need that this book seeks to address.
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Concepts In Food Science, Nutrition And Technology
Concepts In Food Science, Nutrition And Technology
The concept in Food Science, Nutrition, and Technology investigates food by combining knowledge from a variety of scientific fields, such I as chemistry, engineering, microbiology, and nutrition, to increase food! availability, safety, and nutritional value. The use of food science in the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and usage I of safe foods is known as food technology. Chemistry, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology, and engineering are all part of this multi-faceted profession, which aims to provide its practitioners with the expertise necessary to address the complex issues plaguing the world's food supply I chain. A system to ensure that all people of our nation are protected from foodborne infections and nutritional deficiencies is essential to I ensuring their health and well-being. Without understanding food! safety, one's nutritional and scientific understanding of food would be insufficient. Concepts in Food Science, Nutrition, and Technology covers ! a wide range of ground, including the categorization of foods, the malting and germination of grains, and the most recent developments in the area of food science. Other topics covered in the principles of I nutrition section include the history of nutrition, food digestion, and absorption, as well as micronutrients and macronutrients. The science of preserving and preparing food is also an important component of I the broader discipline of food science. The manufacture and processing of food are both covered by food product technology, which is important in this context. This book discusses food safety and quality assurance I in a variety of areas, such as food safety concepts, food quality assurance, legislation, and food standards.
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Taxmann’s Construction Arbitration – Delays, Disputes & Resolution | 2021 Edition
Taxmann’s Construction Arbitration – Delays, Disputes & Resolution | 2021 Edition
This book has been conceived to address a particularly pressing aspect of ‘disputes in constructions projects’. It provides a practical guide & follows a very systematic approach, to dispute resolution, through mediation, conciliation and arbitration, under the construction contracts. It covers all aspects of the causes of delay including coverage of delay analysis report, the various disputes, and the arbitration process for satisfactory & faster resolution. This book is based on issues relating to major EPC projects of process industries such as steel, petrochemical, power plants, etc. It also covers issues relating to the infrastructure sector in private and public sectors. This book will be useful for persons involved in construction arbitration, lawyers, project professionals, arbitrators, students and academicians. The Present Publications is the 1st Edition, incorporating analysis of problems of the construction sector and their impact along with analysis of 10 case studies while attempting to cull out the necessary principles involved in the execution of the projects. The key features of this book are as follows: • In the introduction, the current scenario of construction sector has been discussed, along-with the problems faced by them and its impact on country’s growth/GDP. • [Delay Analysis Report] Project finalization & execution has also been briefly addressed, along with detailed description of possible reasons of conflicts and disputes in large projects. It also includes Delay Analysis Report (‘DAR’) detailing all the delays which take place in construction projects. • [Preparation of Claims with Examples] Preparation of claims and counter claims has been elucidated (with examples) along-with organizing the evidence for construction arbitration. • Use of Alternate Dispute Resolution (‘ADR’) mechanism, for dispute resolution has been discussed. • [Case Studies] are provided, that compare the project execution methodology, concerning private and public sectors and the outcomes of projects. • [Simple & Lucid Presentation of Text] Technical, contractual & commercial reasons for delay in projects have been described in simple language, which can be understood by lawyers, arbitrators, and laymen working in the construction industry The contents of the book are as follows: • Impact of disputes in construction sector • Ideal needs of successful project execution • Overview of projects and construction sector in India • Types of construction contracts – Traditional • Projects execution in India – Status • General process of finalization of EPC contract for large projects • Stakeholders in EPC project • Analysis and comparison of salient features of different EPC contracts • Critical examination, comparison and review of major clauses of EPC project contracts • Brutal global impact of COVID-19 • Force majeure in Indian projects due to COVID-19 • Project monitoring & control • Pre-requisites for successful completion of an EPC project • Case studies of project execution detailing the methodology of execution, elements of delay and potentialities of disputes in projects • Conclusions drawn from the case studies of project execution • Common clauses of delays in EPC projects • Preparation of project Delay Reports • Delay analyzing techniques in construction projects • Delay in construction contracts – A Legal View • Construction dispute resolution as per Alternate Dispute Resolution mechanism • Settlement of construction dispute through Negotiation • Settlement of construction dispute through Mediation • Settlement of construction dispute through Conciliation • Settlement of construction dispute through Arbitration • Indian Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2019 a reflection • Claim in a construction project • Need for evidence in construction arbitration Reviewed by Justice Dipak Mishra | Former Chief Justice of India After reading the book, I am tempted to say that though it focuses on a very prosaic subject, yet there is “something” in it that makes it interesting for the readers. And any reader can find that “something” only after studying the book. It is a must read for the students, practitioners and academicians involved in the field. I so recommend as the author is consistently guided by the motto, “quality speaks for itself”. The author’s intention is to assist and educate. I have deliberately used both the words because I am of the view that this book should be read by some with the vision of an Argus-eyed personality and some should study with humility. The author deals with many facets with admirable precision. One may consider his delineation with regard to the conception of delay. He has commandedly adverted to “Common Causes of delay in EPC Projects”. I am certain that anyone arguing a matter before a Tribunal or Court will be extremely benefitted. The author’s case study has its own impact and reaffirms the old saying “Example is better than Precept”. He believes in the concept “successful project execution is more than a written piece of contract”. This statement by Dr. Saraswat deserves to be a quotation. Reviewed by Justice B.B. Srikrishna | Former Judge | Supreme Court of India Dr. S.B. Saraswat is a technocrat with extensive experience of four decades in public as well as private sector industries in India and abroad. He was actively involved in successful execution of many large projects in Steel, Power and Petroleum sectors. His long experience in their execution has exposed him to various kinds of disputes faced as client and as contractor. This book is the result of his rich experience of dispute resolution by arbitration in the construction industry and reflects his insights on aspects of delays, disputes & their resolution. Apart from general discussion of the arbitral mechanics in such disputes, the book focusses on the nature of construction contracts, the likely pitfalls therein, the force majeure clauses in such contracts, project control and monitoring, common causes of delay in EPC contracts, delay analysis techniques, techniques of ADR, nature of claims, their submission and the evidence required to substantiate the claims in light of the legal provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and other applicable laws. Reviewed by Justice Deepak Verma | Former Judge | Supreme Court of India This book by Dr. S.B. Saraswat encapsulates the following: • The problems of the construction sector and their impact has been analyzed in detail. • First it has been advised that disputes should be resolved mutually among stakeholders failing which mediation and conciliation should be adopted. Procedures for the same have been described in the book. • It is a fact that large construction projects in India are invariably delayed due to a variety of reasons. This book contains all the possible reasons for the delay in the project. Further, the book also spells out an action plan to avoid such delays. • The book has handled the delay analysis through various delay techniques normally adopted as a standard practice. Delay in the projects has been described in a comprehensible manner that can be easily understood by lawyers, arbitrators and laymen working in the construction industry. • The book also analyses 10(ten) case studies while attempting to cull out the necessary principles involved in the execution of the projects. • Preparation of claims has been dealt with in the book and explained with suitable examples. • Utility of evidences to substantiate the claims have been incorporated. • The book discusses ADR techniques like Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration to resolve construction disputes. Reviewed by Justice A.K. Sikri | Former Judge | Supreme Court of India Understanding the need to have some authentic book to guide and help all the stakeholders, Dr. S.B. Saraswat has laboured to produce the book at hand which specifically takes care of issues relating to construction arbitration. The three major elements in this field as mentioned above, viz., delays in such projects, nature of disputes and the resolution thereof through arbitration are the themes which are very deftly articulated and presented in a manner which can easily be absorbed by the readers. A distinguished feature of the book is that the scope is not confined to use of ADR mechanisms for dispute resolution (which includes mediation as well as arbitration), but contains an in- depth analysis into the causes leading to such disputes. This becomes important to ensure ‘Dispute Avoidance’, wherever possible. In case of disputes, the book acts as a helpful guide for the disputants in the manner in which claims should be preferred or the defences be offered. It also guides the stakeholders the manner in which evidence needs to be organised or supporting the claims or defending the claims.
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Law & Medicine
Law & Medicine
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Film Censorship Ke Sau Varsh, Part-2
Film Censorship Ke Sau Varsh, Part-2
पुस्तक के चौथे अध्याय में फिल्म सेंसरबोर्ड, सिनेमा और दर्शकों का अंतरसंबंध राजनीतिक और न्यायिक दृष्टिकोण पर प्रकाश डाला गया है । सेंसरबोर्ड द्वारा दिये गए फैसलों को लेकर फ़िल्मकारों का रिवाइजिंग कमेटी, ट्रिब्यूनलतथा न्यायालय तक के सफर को यहाँ रेखांकित किया गया है । कई महत्वपूर्ण न्यायिक केस के अध्ययन के साथ सेंसरबोर्ड, और न्यायालय के फैसलों के बीच अंतद्वंद की पहचान की गयी है । साथ ही सेंसरबोर्ड के फैसलों को राज्य सरकारों द्वारा न मानने के तथ्यों के साथ इस ओर हुई राजनीति पर भी यहाँ प्रकाश डाला गया है । इस अध्याय में आपातकाल के दौरान लगे प्रतिबंध, फिल्म पत्रिकाओं पर लगे प्रतिबंध के साथ ही सेंसरशिप अधिनियमों के विकास और विस्तार को लेकर किए गए फिल्मी पत्रिकाओं के सर्वेक्षण को भी शामिल किया गया हैं । जिनमें दर्शकों के मत भी शामिल हैं । उदारीकरण के दौर के बाद के सिनेमा के बदलते विषयों और दर्शकों/ धार्मिक समूहों द्वारा फिल्मों को लेकर किए गए विरोधो की ऐतिहासिक तथा वर्तमान परिदृश्य को भी यहाँ रेखांकित किया गया है । इस अध्ययन में बोर्ड की चयन प्रक्रिया में राजनीतिक हस्तक्षेप के बढ्ने के क्रम को काफी प्रमुखता से उल्लिखित किया गया है, वहीं फिल्मों की प्रमाणन प्रक्रिया में राजनीतिक पार्टियों के हस्तक्षेपों के भी कई प्रसंगों की चर्चा यहाँ शामिल है । पुस्तक के पांचवें अध्याय में 21 वीं सदी की प्रमुख विवादित फिल्मों की समीक्षात्मक विवेचना की गई है । इसमें अवलोकन पद्धति से यह भी देखने की कोशिश की गई है कि क्या जिन दृश्यों संवादोंया कोई भी संदर्भ सेंसरबोर्ड द्वारा इन फिल्मों से हटाये गए है वें किन्हीं पूर्व या बाद की फिल्मों में दिख रहें हैं ? साथ ही सेंसर बोर्ड द्वारा प्रतिबंधित किए जाने वाले सिनेमा या फिर काटे गए दृश्यों के संदर्भ में बोर्ड द्वारा दिये गए नोट का आलोचनात्मक अध्ययन करते हुए यहाँ विवरण दिया गया है । चयनित फिल्मों के अलावा इस अध्याय में 100 फिल्मों की सूची भी तैयार की गयी है जिनमें बोर्ड ने छोटे-बड़े दृश्यों/ संवादो को काटे जाने या चेतावनी जोड़ने की सलाह दी है। पुस्तक के छठे अध्याय में पूर्व के अध्यायों से प्राप्त तथ्यों के आधार पर तथा मौजूदा भारत की सामाजिक आर्थिक राजनैतिक परिस्थिति का अवलोकन और सेंसर विवादों से निकले निष्कर्षो को समाहित करते हुए भारत के संदर्भ में सर्वश्रेष्ठ सेंसरशिप प्रतिदर्श की कल्पना, भविष्य की चुनौतियों को ध्यान में रखकर की गयी है । एक ओर भारत में जहाँ सेल्फ सेंसरशिप की बात चलती है वहीं पूर्व में ही सेल्फ सेंसर के नियमन को लेकर हुए प्रयासों को असफल हो जाने का भी जिक्र मिलता है, ऐसे में भविष्य में इन्टरनेट युग को देखते हुए किस तरह की सेंसरनीति क्रियान्वित होनी चाहिए जिससे पूर्व की तरह विवाद न हो इसकी चर्चा की गयी है । साथ ही नेट्फ़्लिक्स, यूट्यूब जैसे ऑनलाइन मीडिया इंटरर्टेंमेंट बाज़ार का अपने आप में स्थापित होना वर्तमान सेंसरनीति और सिने संस्कृति को किस तरह प्रभावित कर सकती है इस पर भी चर्चा की गई है । पुस्तक के सातवें अध्याय में शोध के उद्देश्यों को उपसंहार में व्यक्त किया गया है । शोध विषय हेतु परिलसखित की गई परिकल्पनाओं को यहाँ जाँचते हुए शोध का निष्कर्ष उल्लिखित किया गया है । चूंकि यह शोध कार्य भविष्य में सेंसरशिप नीति निर्धारण में मददगार हो इसके लिए जरूरी सुझाव भी दिये गए हैं ।
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