Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This first book in a CAMathories™ Woodland Series, designed for 3-5 year old children, tells the tale of the Goldilocks and the Three Bears. What will Goldilocks find when she goes into this cottage that she hasn’t seen before? What will Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear find when they return from their early morning walk? This telling of a well-loved fairy tale involves your young children helping Goldilocks to enter 3 Bears Cottage, to eat some of their delicious breakfast, and to choose a nice comfy bed to have a lie down on afterwards. But if only she had read the sign over the door, she might have thought twice about entering a cottage when she didn’t know who lived there! CAMathories™ Goldilocks and the Three Bears has been adapted from the same titled fairy tale from the United Kingdom. Color-ful pictures, easy to read comic strips, exciting epic adventures with Goldilocks and the three bears, fun mathematics games for children to play, with answers and abundant parents’ teaching notes. All games and teaching notes are designed and written by mathematician, Dr. Lorna Ayton, and reviewed by early learning cognitive developmental psychologist, Dr. David Whitebread, both from the University of Cambridge. ‘All-in-one’ fantastic features! All CAMathories™ books and apps are fun stories and games designed and tested by renowned educational researchers, mathe-maticians, and scientists from the University of Cambridge to teach young children mathematics. Each CAMathories™ book and app also contains a series of teaching notes to help parents to teach their children mathematics based on the content of the games as well as real-life situations. We wish you happy learning and CAMathoring! Please visit our website, to learn more about the CAMathories™ education team.