Prosperity Road
Somewhere along the way, the great nation of America has gone off track. In Prosperity Road: America, Save the Middle Class! Dr. Darryl Baker describes how we are being led down the economic pathway in a direction that’s contrary to the voice of the people. This book will take you on an exciting journey through history to examine the effects of globalization and explore its modern-day trajectory. An informative, carefully researched guide to understanding why America’s economy is suffering, it is also a plea to not abandon hope while there are still solutions and changes to be made. By learning the ins and outs of five important American values— Jobs, taxation, trade agreements, putting America first, and the voice of the people—you will be in a better position to do your part to bring this country back to prosperity. Dr. Baker offers a sustainable economic plan for our current and future civilizations, providing suggestions that would allow globalization to coexist with our nation’s need to ensure that jobs and scarce resources are available to the populace.