समाजशास्त्र Samajshastra (Sociology)
UNIt I - Marriage, Family & Kinship 1. Marriage : Meaning, Definition, Aims, Forms and Types, 2. Problems of Marriage in India : Dowery System and Child Marriage, 3. Family : Meaning, Types, Functions and Recent Change, 4. Kinship System : Meaning, ryps and Usages, UNIT - II Industry and Society in India 1. Industrial Sociogy : An Introduction, Meaning and Scope, 2. Industrial Sociology : Nature, Subject - Matter and Importance, 3. Meaning, Characteristics and Problmes of Labour, 4. Industrial and Labour Relation, 5. Conciliation, 6. Collective Barganing, 7. Adjudciation or Arbitration or Compulsory Arbitration, 8. Child and Woman Labour, 9. Trade Union, UNIT - III Sociology of Yribal Society 1. Tribes : Meaning and Characteristics and Tribes and Caste, 2. Classificationof Tribal People, 3. Family Amongest Tribes, 4. Marriage in Tribes, 5. Kinship Among Tribes, 6. Tribal Movement in Jharkhand, 7. Indian Tribal Prablem and Constitutional Safegurad, 8. Deteribalization : Meaning and Causes.