The administrators of city or a town adopt two approaches to evaluate the urban places and the impact of urbanization. The first approach undertakes the Study of size, function, growth rate, and tributary area of cities in the general fabric of settlements. The second approach deals with the internal structure of cities and the related factors, which control the layout and buildings, the character and intensity of land use, the movement of persons and goods between various functional areas. The land use planning is a part of larger process of city planning. It is basically concerned with location, intensity, and amount of land development required from various space using functions of city life, such as, industry, wholesaling business, housing, recreation, education, and religious and cultural activities of the people. The study of urban land use and its planning is of considerable significance in the overall planning of urban places like Gadag-Betageri city. Decline and decay of our cities calls for all policy makers, administrators and Politicians to stop destructive forces of the urban development and to forge alliances among all local and national forces which are concerned with the social, political, economic, ecological, physical and cultural development of our cities and towns. Despite the claims that developments in communications imply that the cities are Remote Sensing and GIS going to lose their function and will change dramatically, it cannot be predicted that the new paradigm of the 'information city' will only represent another device of those who do not have access to information technology.]