Principles of Economics - by Dr. Anupam Agarwal, Anju Agarwal (SBPD Publications)
An excellent book for commerce students appearing in competitive, professional and other examinations. 1.The Definitions of Economics , 2 .Scope of Economics and its Nature, 3 .Methods of Economic Study, 4. Some Important Economic Postulates, 5. Micro and Macro Economics, 6 .Economics Statics and Dynamics, 7. Economic Laws & their Nature , 8. Economic Systems and their Features, 9. Demand & Supply—Basic Framework, 10. Utility and Marginal Utility Analysis , 11. Indifference Curve & Consumer's Equilibrium, 12. Income Effect, Substitution Effect & Price Effect , 13. Consumer's Surplus, 14. Elasticity of Demand and its Measurement, 15. Production and Factors of Production, 16. Production Function, 17. Law of Returns, 18. ISO-Product Curves and its Characteristics, 19. Production Decision—Optimum Cost Combination , 20. Returns to Scale, 21. Cost : Concepts and Various Concepts , 22. Market : Concepts and Types, 23. Concept of Revenue, 24. Equilibrium of Firm : Concept and Conditions , 25.Perfect Competition, 26. Monopoly and Price Discrimination, 27. Monopolistic Competition, 28. Concept of National Income, 29. Theories of Distribution , 30. Rent, 31. Wages, 32. Interest , 33. Profits.