Engineering Physics
Dear students, I am extremely happy to come out with the first edition of “Engineering physics” for you. The topics within the chapters have been arranged in a proper sequence to ensure smooth flow of the subject. I am sure that this book will complete all your needs for this subject. I am thankful to Dr Sudhir Kumar (CCS Univ.Meerut), Shri Naresh Kumar (Registrar, Govt. Engg. College Chandpur Bijnor), Dr R.K.Shukla (Prof.& Head) Department of Physics Harcort Buttlar Technical University Kanpur (up), Dr B.P.Singh (Prof.& Head) Department of Physics Institute of basic science khandari campus Agra,Dr Ashok Kumar (Prof.& Ex.Dirctor) HBTU Kanpur, Dr Satendra Sharma ( Prof. & Dean in science) Yobe State University Naizariya, Dr Pradeep Kumar (Principal) DAV (PG) Budhana Muzzarfarnagar up, Dr Satyavir Singh (Asso.Prof.& Head) Dept.of Chemistry DAV(PG) Budhana M.Nagar,Dr P.S.Negi (Prof.& Head) Meerut College Meerut, Prof. Ankit Kumar Dept.of Civil REC Bijnor, Prof.Sudhir Goswami Deptt..of IT REC Bijnor,Dr Pravesh Kumar, Asst.Prof.REC Bijnor, Dr Hemant Kumar,Asst.Prof Deptt. Of Physics, REC Bijnor, Dr Anjani Kumar IIT Kanpur Deptt..of Physics,Dr S.K Sharma Professor of Physics HBTU Kanpur,Er K.K.Singh (Er.RBI Patna),Er Sandeep Maheswary (Offset Printing Press) Software Er Vinay Baghel, Netherland, Dr V K Gupta (Prof. Physics) Dr Anil Kumar Sharma (Prof .Botany), Dr O.P.Singh (Prof .Botany), Dr Vikas Katoch ( Prof & Head ) Deptt..of Physics RKGIT Ghazibad,Dr Sangeeta Chaudhary (Prof.& Head) Deptt..of Sancrite DAV (PG) Budhana M.Nagar, Dr R.Jha (Prof.&Head) Sky Line Institute Greater Noida,Elder Brother Shri R.P. Singh (Railway Engg. Deptt.), Yonger Brother K.P Singh, Prof. Ajay Kumar Yadav Computer science deptt. Pune .and all my dear students. I am also thankful to the staff members of Uttakarsh Publication and others for theirs effects to make this book as good as it is. I am also thankful to my Family members and relatives for their Patience and encouragement. Autrhor