Ecosystem Analysis of Two Tropical Community Reservoirs of India
Wetlands occur expansively all over the world in all the climatic zones and are appraised to harbour nearly 6.4% of the Earth’s surface, of which India domiciles about 18.4% of global wetlands and Gujarat 36% of country wetlands. As per Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA), wetlands deliver 45% of the world’s natural productivity and ecosystem services of which the benefits are estimated at $20 trillion a year. Thus, wetlands exhibit enormous diversity according to their genesis, geographical location, water regime and chemistry, dominant plants and soil or sediment characteristics. Wetlands directly and indirectly support millions of people in providing services such as food, fibre and raw materials, storm and flood control, clean water supply, scenic beauty and educational and recreational benefits. Apart from beneficiary contribution of wetlands to the ecosystem, biotic and abiotic components, and human inhabitants, the very subsistence of these unique natural resources is under intimidation due to developmental activities, population pressure, and anthropogenic stress. Globally, the areal extent of wetland ecosystems ranges from 917 million hectares (m ha) to more than 1275 m ha with an estimated economic value of about USD 15 trillion a year. Overall, 1052 Sites in Europe; 289 Sites in Asia; 359 Sites in Africa; 175 Sites in South America; 211 Sites in North America; and 79 Sites in Oceania region have been recognized as per international recognition for designation to be handled under protected areas. It gives us an immense pleasure in presenting this comprehensive book on Ecosystem Analysis of Two Tropical Community Reservoirs of India. This book covers an extensive research on two significant wetlands of national importance of Central Gujarat, India, listed in ‘Asian Directory of Wetlands’, highlighting point and non-point sources of pollution, nutrient budget and recycling of nutrients in surface water and bottom sediments, planktons as indicators and markers of pollution, macrophytes as indicators of quality of wetlands, suitability of habitat for waterfowl conservation, and conservation and site-specific management strategies for sustainable use of biotic resources with recommendations and mitigating measures. We hope that this book will be of a great help to students, teachers, scientists, wetland conservationists, policy makers and government authorities, in enhancing their knowledge in the field of wetland ecology, biodiversity, conservation, restoration, and management for sustaining prevailing abiotic and biotic resources for better future.