African Liberation
Conflict is an increasing threat to national and international security and a major challenge to development. It is significant to acknowledge that civil conflict has impoverished countries in every major region of the world, with specific emphasis on Africa. In case of Liberia which is the main objective of this study, the 25 years civil conflict not only wiped out the achievements of decades of economic and social development, but destroyed thousands of lives, the physical assets of the country, and disrupted trade links which devastated the fabrics of the Liberian society. This study will be focusing on new system which will require the United States, the International Community, The European Union, The EEC, and other Non-Governmental Organizations, social, political, and economic cohesion as a pre-condition for reconstruction, rehabilitation, reconciliation, and recovery. As a practitioner, specialist, and a 21st century student of politics of life, Post-independence Black-Africa political and historic, cultural and Liberian political scientist, international political systems, comparative international political problems and global political cultural diversity, I am cognizant, and I do indeed care about Liberia /Africa in global conflicts that have profound effects on Africa, and implications which lead to war, instability, and international tension as well as about events which lead to equitable interdependence, integration, peace, improvement of quality of life, reduction of exploitation, imperialism human rights violation perpetrated by post-independence African leadership. Because I am a Black-African-Liberian, I do care about these national, international, regional, state of affairs that specifically affect Africa in general and Liberia in particular, I have tried over the years to make some life time attempt to make some scholastic decisions as it reflects on my research, to advance procedures in conflict management and resolution theories about systematizing my observations and improving my knowledge and skills of pre-conflict analysis of Africa in general and post-conflict analysis of Liberia in particular.