Faulkner’s Treatment of Women
The overview of William Faulkner‟s scholarship shows certain obvious limitations in concern to his treatment to his fictional female characters. Critics have concentrated on the male characters the outmost. The first limitation is that the critics have not paid the needed attention to his treatment of the female characters in their totality. Critics have taken up Faulkner‟s characterization but their concentration is more on the male figures only. If at all they discuss women characters, they are seen as figure only. If at all they discuss women characters, they are seen as subordinate figures to their male counterparts. The second limitation is that the bulk of Faulkner scholarship treats Faulkner‟s individual works, in these studies also the concentration is mainly on the themes and techniques, and the discussion on female characters is again scanty. Quite a few studies concentrate deeply on his individual works and explain Faulkner‟s larger themes but they, too, are specifically male oriented. The next limitation is that a large number of articles, appearing in various decades, also, cover individual aspects of Faulkner‟s themes and characters, and give only partial treatment to his women characters. The fourth limitation is that even while discussing Faulkner as moralist the concentration is more on the male figure than the female figures. The last limitation of Faulkner scholarship is that mostly it concentrates on his craftsmanship; a large number of studies on Faulkner assess his stylistics and technique. Tracing technical aspects, thematic patterns, and stylistic devices used by him critics establish Faulkner scholarship, but are oblivion to the central thrust of women characters. Thus Faulkner scholarship treats women characters, either as secondary characters, or, at the most, in relation to their male counterparts only. They have been treated less as individuals than as common commodities; the critics have been casual in their approach towards women characters and taken them for granted. This nonchalant view may lead us to conclude that women in Faulkner are „a silent sex‟. For that a complete survey has been done as mentioned in “Introduction” of the study to trace scope on full length study in context to Faulkner‟s women characters. At times, the survey let to conclude that Faulkner himself is not projecting as pleasant pictures of women in his novels as he does in the case of male figures. In fact, Faulkner was accused of being hostile to women. At times, Faulkner may strike us as a misogynist. These points led to give a kind of impulse to start working on the women characters in Faulkner. His imaginary fictional world – Yoknapatawpha- explains the intertexuality, so sometimes the same women character in different types of roles in his novels, or shows amelioration and redemption in his other text. Keeping all these points in consideration as his indispensable women characters fascinate to study in-depth and I could got the form under the heading Faulkner’s Treatment of Women. It is a humble attempt; I do not claim it to the last word on the issue. -Dr. Vibha Manoj sharma