Know Your World: Trending & Emerging Facts
The main aim of writing this book is to pave way for young generation or Needy readers to know about the World and about its happening, weaponising the world with hatred,, crossing all limits of human beings. "The Know your World: trending & emerging facts", also to create ground for the young scholars to take reference out of my little work and effort, Here I am absolutely try to bring out the truth of how our World leaders and National leaders are expert in word and not implemented in practice about any important topics/ issues/ conflicts, which is determental to Humanity and it's sorounding, only the word will not sufficient for, we need to act accordingly to the required level for interest of Humanity and it's sorounding. In the Book, I have try to bring out the Truth of World, Foreign policy, Economics war ,Riots in many, conflicts in world around and conflicts like situation of India & it's neighbours, I hope this book will be of some help for the scholar and readers and may extend some benifits out of this Book.