Environmental Chemistry (Telugu Version)
Environmental Chemistry book is written in accordance with the APSCHE syllabus. It is extremely beneficial to III B.Sc Chemistry students and also useful to B.Sc Chemistry Honors. This book consists of five Units. The first Unit discusses the introduction of Environmental Chemistry, the second Unit is on Air Pollution, the third Unit is on Water Pollution, the fourth Unit discusses Chemical Toxicology, and the fifth Unit is about ecology and Biodiversity. The entire content of this book presented in the form of Q&A format. Some of the information is taken from Research journals, internet, and educational websites. This book contains numerous visible images, chemical equations, videos and additional information in the form of QR codes, which are very useful to students. This book, in particular, covers unit-wise bits that are beneficial to competitive aspirants. I hope both the students and the faculty members will find this book useful. Any suggestions are heart fully welcome for the development of ideas in the successive editions. Highlights: 1. This book is based on the recommended syllabus of the APSCHE and NEP-2020. 2. This book can be read in a straight forward to understand. 3. This book depicts chemical equations in a realistic and easy-to-understand manner. 4.This book contains a number of QR codes related to some of the chemical reactions and videos of the topics, which aid students in their comprehension. 5. This book's MCQs are extremely useful for students preparing for competitive exams.