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The Multiplicities of Internet Addiction
The Multiplicities of Internet Addiction
Overuse of the internet is often characterized as problematic, disruptive, or addictive, with stories frequently claiming that online use interferes with relationships, or that 'excessive' time in front of computer screens is unhealthy. The Multiplicities of Internet Addiction contests the claim that computers – specifically Internet use – are addictive, arguing that use of the Internet is now a form of everyday leisure engaged in by many people in Western society. Offering an analysis of the nature of addiction alongside a detailed empirical study of home computer use, this book will be of interest not only to sociologists of culture and popular culture, but also to scholars of media, ICT and education.
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Publishing from Your PhD
Publishing from Your PhD
There is consistent pressure on all academics to publish, publish, publish. But not unless they have been awarded their PhD – considered by most to be the starting step of an academic career. So while the pressure is on to obtain the title, and then obtain a permanent position, and then publish journal articles, there is little support available to researchers in the nascent stage of their careers. Publishing from Your PhD precisely focuses on providing early career researchers with emotional and collegial support that is often not available in academe. It seeks to dispel nepotistic notions of superiority that places Professors and such on a pedestal. It specifically clarifies the difficulty in having written the PhD thesis and then rewriting it to suit the genre of journal articles. It does not deal with the 'how' of academic writing in general. This book endeavours to shed light on the path one must take to navigate the jungles of academia. This is an untrodden path which is unique to every researcher – especially those who employ abstract or critical theories in their research – and each journey through the jungle is different. However, because there is little literature about this embryonic journey, this book illuminates the processes and difficulties of publishing in journals and culling one's finely honed thesis into small chunks – a difficult task to which few admit.
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Disability and Popular Culture
Disability and Popular Culture
As a response to real or imagined subordination, popular culture reflects the everyday experience of ordinary people and has the capacity to subvert the hegemonic order. Drawing on central theoretical approaches in the field of critical disability studies, this book examines disability across a number of internationally recognised texts and objects. While acknowledging that disability features in popular culture in ways that reinforce stereotypes and stigmatise, Disability and Popular Culture celebrates and complicates the increasing visibility of disability in popular culture, showing how popular culture can focus passion, create community and express defiance in the context of disability and social change.
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The Metabolic Approach to Cancer
The Metabolic Approach to Cancer
"Read this important book to learn how cancer is an environmental, metabolic disease with many small causes that stack up—and what you can do to prevent or even reverse it."—Dave Asprey, New York Times bestselling author of The Bulletproof Diet The Optimal Terrain Ten Protocol to Reboot Cellular Health! The Metabolic Approach to Cancer offers an innovative, metabolic-focused nutrition protocol that works. Naturopathic, integrative oncologist and cancer survivor Dr. Nasha Winters and nutrition therapist Jess Higgins Kelley have identified the ten key elements of a person’s “terrain” (think of it as a topographical map of our body) that are crucial to preventing and managing cancer. Each of the terrain ten elements—including epigenetics, the microbiome, the immune system, toxin exposures, and blood sugar balance—is illuminated as it relates to the cancer process, then given a heavily researched and tested, non-toxic and metabolic, focused nutrition prescription. The ketogenic diet—which relies on the body’s production of ketones as fuel—is the centerpiece of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Further, Winters and Kelley explain how to harness the anticancer potential of phytonutrients abundant in low-glycemic plant and animal foods to address the 10 hallmarks of cancer—an approach Western medicine does with drug-based therapies. The optimized, genetically-tuned diet shuns: Grains Legumes Sugar Genetically modified foods Pesticides Synthetic ingredients The optimized, genetically-tuned diet emphasizes: Whole, wild foods Local Organic Ferments Heirloom Low-glycemic Other components of their approach include harm-reductive herbal therapies like mistletoe (considered the original immunotherapy and common in European cancer care centers) and cannabinoids (which shrink tumors and increase quality of life, yet are illegal in more than half of the United States). Through addressing the ten root causes of cancer and approaching the disease from a nutrition-focused standpoint, we can slow cancer’s endemic spread and live optimized lives. "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer is a powerhouse of detailed information on how to prevent, manage, and treat cancer. . . . It is written in an intimate conversation style that comes from decades of deep personal experience, research, and genuine passion."—Travis Christofferson, author of Tripping over the Truth
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This book has all non-clinical chapters, as for all clinical chapters I will be publishing the second book soon. These standards should be used by all healthcare service leaders in hospital commissioning, operations, quality improvement, patient safety and risk management.
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Digital Cultures: Age of the Intellect
Digital Cultures: Age of the Intellect
Comments by global thought leaders on Business of Staffing: A Talent Agenda: "Your section on how HR needs to change in a digital context is spot on with those twenty points" (M. S. Krishnan, Associate Dean, Global Initiatives, Accenture Professor of Computer Information Systems, Professor of Technology and Operations, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan). "Ganesh Shermon has really nailed it. He really knows this area well. Well worth reading for anyone interested in this field" (Mark Smith, National Industry Leader, Financial services, KPMG LLP; earlier Global Head of People & Change Practice). "A must-read for today's HR professionals as they seek to learn evidence-based practices as they transform their talent management performance" (Laura Croucher, Americas leader, KPMG HR, Transformation Centre of Excellence).
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