egarded as being economically and politically stable, Sweden as one of the North European countries through the overall human mangement personal number system is considered a perfect nordic model. Regardless of the Swedish financial stability, the government during the last two terms (2014-2018 & 2018-2022) was then confronted to the unemployment and security problems. By being aware of these issues for many years, these remain the focal priorities for the Modarates. For an extended bright future, this political party shows the greatest interest in being present, ready and dedicated, at the 2022 votes, and for being elected on behalf of Swedes for these problems to be solved from today onwards. Once Moderates in power in 2022, people and corporate taxes will be lowered once again and with better prerequisite of effective safety. For increasing employment, security and economic growth, voters (natives and foreigners) may make the right choice in casting a vote for the Moderate party on Sunday, September 11, 2022.