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50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Back Pain
50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Back Pain
In this easy-to-follow book, Dr Keith Souter explains the various types and causes of back pain and offers practical and holistic advice. With many years’ experience as a GP, acupuncturist and homoeopath he looks at lifestyle changes, diet and DIY complementary therapies that help one to deal with and reduce back pain.
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Homoeopathic Remedies For Middle And Old Age
Homoeopathic Remedies For Middle And Old Age
More and more people are turning to homoeopathy for a gentler approach to their health problems. Indeed, for many people approaching their middle age or in their midlife, it is an ideal method of treatment which accepts reduced physiological functioning of body systems which accompany ageing. The book outlines the principles of this gentle approach and covers 57 of the commonest and most beneficial remedies for people in their middle age and later life, remedies and treatments that are safe and gentle and do not further strain the human body systems. It recognizes that age related positive health must necessarily minimize the use of drugs and veer away from bio-chemical to bio-physical.
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The Little Book of Genius
The Little Book of Genius
At any party, there's always one person who stands out from the crowd, because he or she talks more intelligently and tells better jokes than everyone else there. And everyone else wishes they were as knowledgeable and witty as that person. Thanks to Keith Souter's The Little Book of Genius, they can be, or at least appear to be. The first part, which is based on serious scientific foundations explained in an accessible and light-hearted manner, explains some handy techniques for winning an argument, getting your point across, telling a joke and generally making the most of yourself. The second contains the essentials of what you need to know about literature, history, art, music, science, sport and other subjects, so that people will think you are cultured, intelligent and well-read. With the help of The Little Book of Genius, you can be the envy of everyone else at the party!
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Medical Meddlers, Mediums and Magicians
Medical Meddlers, Mediums and Magicians
The Victorians had a thirst for knowledge. This drove them to explore the unchartered corners of the world, plumb the unfathomable depths of science, discover evolution and create some of the engineering and architectural marvels of the world. Yet this open-mindedness also at times made them utterly gullible. Because of their closeness to disease and the ever-present threat of their own mortality, it was inevitable that they would be open to the claims of quacks who promised all kinds of panaceas, and to mediums who offered a means of communicating with the dead. So too did it make them eager for diversion and entertainment by the conjurers and illusionists of the great music halls. Strangely, it was through the magic-making skill of the conjurers that the activities of many of the tricksters and fraudulent mediums finally came to be exposed. Medical Meddlers, Mediums & Magicians is a box of delights for all students of Victoriana.
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The Little Book of Golf
The Little Book of Golf
Golf is one of the most popular games in the world. That is a strange thing to say, since almost all serious golfers actually have a love-hate relationship with it. A good round can bring great joy and satisfaction, while a bad round can end in depression, a binge at the bar, arguments with one's partner and the need for prompt evasive action by the family cat. Although this book is written in a light-hearted manner, it contains a wealth of information about every aspect of the game. Learn about its long and speckled history and some of the quirky characters who have graced the links. It also has some advice on putting and chipping, two parts of the game which cause the occasional golfer frustration, heartache and sore knees after repeated attempts to break the clubs. Failing that you will find a selection of fascinating anecdotes about the game's greats and plenty of intriguing trivia.
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An Aspirin a Day
An Aspirin a Day
Comprehensive and informative, this fascinating book is essential reading for everyone, teaching how this cheap and readily available drug can protect you.
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Back pain is the largest single cause of sickness absence in the UK, and eighty percent of Britons will suffer from it at some point in their lives. This book looks at the options for back pain, from self-help to medical, with an emphasis on the fact that conventional medicine isn't always the answer.
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How to Beat Worry and Stress
How to Beat Worry and Stress
A certain amount of worry and stress can be energising. They may act as a natural warning system when something is wrong, and can help people meet deadlines and complete tasks. High levels of both are however counter-productive, and all too common. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is believed to affect some two million people in the UK, while the World Health Organisation estimates that half of all cases go undiagnosed. These figures put anxiety only second to depression as a mental health problem. Topics covered in this book include: * What is 'normal' worry and when is it useful - e.g., sitting an exam, completing a work assignment * signs and symptoms of excessive worry and stress * tackling worry and stress - analysing the problem, accepting uncertainty * developing problem-solving skills, including prioritising and time management * the value of exercise (helps release serotonin) * diet, e.g. eliminating sugar, caffeine and alcohol * relaxation and breathing * when worry gets out of hand - what to do if you need help * treatment - cognitive behavioural therapy, medication * support groups.
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Anthony Eden, who served as both Foreign Secretary and Prime Minister, was one of the central political figures of the twentieth century. He had good looks, charm, a Military Cross from the Great War, an Oxford first and a secure parliamentary constituency from his mid-twenties. He was Foreign Secretary at the age of 38, and the first British statesman to meet Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. Eden's dramatic resignation from Neville Chamberlain's Cabinet in 1938, outlined here in the fullest detail yet, made an international impact. This ground-breaking book examines his controversial life and tells the inside story of the Munich crisis (1938), the Geneva Conference (1954), Eden's battles with Churchill over the modernisation of the post-war Conservative Party and his rivalry with Butler and Macmillan in the early 1950s, culminating in a fascinating analysis of the Suez crisis.
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Stop Living in Isolation
Stop Living in Isolation
Aging is inevitable, but decline is optional. In this 'tell-all' book, M.I.T. and Harvard Medical School trained Neuroscientist Dr. Keith Darrow, PhD, reveals the science to maintaining independence and increasing social engagement as we age. With over 20+ years of experiencing working with patients and their families, he details documented ways to reduce the risks of developing dementia and exposes the devastating impacts of untreated hearing loss on cognitive function. This book answers the 20 most common questions regarding living in isolation, exploring options for the medical treatment of hearing loss, and proven benefits of NeuroTechnology on increasing physical and mental health.There are many daunting facts about aging: everyday 10,000 people turn 65 years young, every 3-4 seconds another person is diagnosed with the mind-robbing disease of dementia, hearing loss is the third most common chronic condition affecting seniors, people with hearing impairment are at a 200-500% increased risk of developing dementia, and the rates of depression, social isolation and sedentary lifestyle significantly increase with age. Yet active aging and the early treatment of hearing loss can provide today¿s seniors with better overall health, increased cognitive function, increased security, and a maximized quality of life.
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